This is my first attempt at making a map on tempest. Because of this it's a pretty basic symmetrical map. It's set up for everything but inv and race. Haven't playtested it yet so if you play on it let me know how it goes I would greatly appreciate it.. It should make for a nicely balanced CTF match. Well DL and enjoy guys! Map from One Angle Map from another angle Overview of mid Campfire with blue Fire This part of the map is underneath the mid. This is a shot of the front of the building on the side of the map.
I'm downloading it right now, it looks pretty good judging from the pics. It looks like you used a lot of rock which I like a lot. And I'm very interested to see those new man cannons! They look so much better than the hideous covenant ones lol. I also couldn't really tell if you used any existing terrain other than the trees or not so I'm curious to find out about that once I finish downloading your map.
What aspect inspired you to build in tempest rather than forgeworld? Was there something in the terrain that you liked or was it simply the 'spire 3' rocks?
i checked it out in forge. some aspects of it are very cool and are probably indicative of things to come from Tempest. but it feels very rushed. there are awkward and arguably pointless aesthetic pieces in some places that seem as if you just threw them in there haphazardly. the trees branches are poking out through the rocks, which looks very unnatural. however, you do have some cool stuff going on here. i cant pass a final judgement until i get a game, so ill save it for that. the campfire is bad ass though.
Dang, someone beat me to posting the first Tempest map. lol Looks nice from the pics I'm really liking the mid section, the way you worked the tin cups in looks really nice. Tempest's rocks and pieces work great for creating something a bit more like ruins. You could try working the tree limbs into the rocks and metal structure a bit more. I've been working on a map and by doing that, I've managed to get it to look a lot like some ancient ruins or something. It fits in nicely with the pre-built structures in Tempest. They're crisp and unharmed, yet there's grass and bushes growing in and around them. I'll have a look at it in forge to get a good idea about the layout before I comment on that.
Thanks for the feedback!The Tree coming out of the rocks was supposed to be a bush type deal and Yes you caught me red handed. it was Very rushed because While I was working on it I had an awesome idea for an Invasion map on Tempest so I tried to get this one out of the way. I will deffinetly go back and clean this one up though for an updated version .