Yeah, **** thread titles. Nobody needs them. Anyway, I've been meaning for some time to go on an epic run-through of all the great RPGs that I missed and/or owned but never got into because I was ****ing not born when they came out. Already on my list: Final Fantasy VI & VII, Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross, Mother II/Earthbound, and finally Secret of Mana. So tell me. What am I missing?
I already beat KOTOR, shits amazing. Same with Paper Mario, but I didn't enjoy it as much. Was too much of the mario formula involved, which is good only about half the time. Its not bad, just not what I want in an RPG.
Not sure if I completely understand what you're doing. It seems you're running through the older turn based RPGs, but I'll take a shot at some suggestions anyway. Fallout 1 and 2, any of the Final Fantasy games you haven't tried, the later Ultima games...
Have you played the original Baldur's Gate? There's also an enhanced/updated edition coming out this summer... built by some of the original Bioware team, 14 years on, which will be on iPad as well as PC.
You and everyone else pretty much got the good RPGs down, so not much to suggest now. For my list though, I still want to finish another play through in Fallout 3, arbuably one of the best and most fun games I've played for 360. Next is Fallout: New Vegas. I bought the game on midnight release, put in 16 hours and never played it again. I really really need to find some time to finish that game. Next on the list is Skyrim, every Kingdom Hearts game, chrono trigger (never got passes the carnival, was too afraid of the epicness that would happen after), and last but least kotor 1 & 2.
****ing YES, I've been waiting for that new edition forever. Its more or less the reason I'm doing this runthrough. Out of the blue; is phantasy star, or whatever its called, any good? The original, not the MMO?
Oh the nastolgia! Golden Sun 2 was pure win-sauce. I will never forget the Dragon at the end of the game. I need to play the game again now!
Older Jrpgs that I've beaten and highly recommend: Final Fantasy 4,6-10 (not much needs to be said, these are my favorites from the series. Final Fantasy Tactics (excellent battle system and underrated story) Suikoden 1,3, & 5 (my personal favorite series, Suikoden II is considered by many to be the greatest jrpg of all time. I've beaten 1,3, and 5 and based off those I can easily believe it.) Chrono Trigger/Cross (Chrono trigger is a must play, like multiple times...... Back to back to back. Chrono cross is good too, but it doesn't hold a light to most of these.) Ogre Battle 64/ Tactics Ogre (great strategy rpg made by the creators of tactics) These are on my list to play Legend of Dragoon (actually got to the 3rd disc on this one and it wouldn't read, so I'll probably get it on psn) Xenogears (psn) Wild Arms (psn) Vagrant Story (psn) I've gotten nothing but positive reviews from people on these 4, these are considered the best RPGs in the ps1 era by just about everyone. If I think of some more that I've played and enjoyed I'll add them later.
Legend of Dragoon is the best game I have played ever, without second. It only gets better on disks 3 and 4. You won't regret the investment lol.
All of the star ocean games are good with the exception of the 4th (the one for current gen consoles) my fav was Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (aka star ocean 3), it is for the ps2. Cave story is pretty much an rpg, though its more of a platformer with rpg elements. Its still worth taking a look at, it's for PC. Fire Emblem is a tactical rpg, kinda like final fantasy tactics, but better in my opinion. (On GBA) If you aren't averse to japanese dating sims, the Persona franchise is an rpg with dating sim elements to it, which have an effect on the actual gameplay. Well, if you don't like anime or any of that japanese stuff, you should just stick away from this one. (Persona 4 is on ps2, psp, and a new version of it is coming out for psv) Shadow of the Colossus is amazing, AMAZING I SAY. The entire thing is amazing. (On ps2 and psn) I can suggest a few other Jrpg's but they would definitely be only for anime fans.
Vagrant Story and Xenogears are must-plays. Xenogears was a very difficult game. Its plot makes all other RPGs its *****.
Thought of some other, non anime rpgs; Castle Crashers isn't exactly old or a classic, but it's really fun, both alone and with friends. I heard that ICO was good, it was made by the people who made Shadow of the Colossus, but before they made it. I can't exactly vouch for this one myself, but if it's as good as SotC then there shouldn't be any problems. That's all I've got to suggest for now, until I remember some more.