Prison Block RP: Everyone remembers the old Foundry Jailbreak RP map right? Well right now (not on my X-Box, but a friends) I'm making a remake of the Jailbreak RP on Sandbox. I'm working my hardest to make it an outside/inside prison. It's based in the GB court in the bottom, but I'm going to need help with ideas for some things. I also need help on the officers quarters and guards quarters on the map. I'll post dates on when I can play and require help, and I'm hoping to get some good helpers Posting screenshots soon! Status: Game-mode: 70% Prison Block: 100%: complete! Mess Hall: 65% Parade Grounds: 0% Officers Quarters: 0% Guards Quarters: 0% Guard Towers: 100%: complete! Construction Site/Play Area: 100%: complete! Just post if you would like to help, and I would love suggestions!
Sure I would love to help out but I don't think this is where it should be posted. This should most likely be a blog instead of a map because this section is only for completed maps. Thanks and send me a message with your GT fi you want your help.
Exterminator?? And you did the noobiest thing ever. I lol'd when you got owned by Kevinth3Killer since he's a unsc trainee But please, you should no better than this and the next to comment after my waste-of-a-comment will be reported for spammmmmm unless its a usefull post
Ur a waste of comment! I think it would be a good idea to make a jailbreak map on sandbox especialy cuz I don't think it's been done before. Is it an escape from prison of kill the guard map?.. And a good idea would be to make it like an island n the sky bubble like alkatraz prison. That would he fun, but eithor way, I'm gonna dl when Its done.. Good job , but please keep it in he right section...people are just gona keep complaining
Oh my god! I can't believe that no one has asked a mod to move this to Halo Forge Discussion! I'll talk more once it is moved but damn people!
I'm getting screens tomorrow for it. Since it's on my friends box on my account, I can't really work on it every single waking hour.