Heroic DLC Route 78

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Fousu, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    Welcome to Route 78. Route 78 was originally a large-scale prison where the worst criminals were sent, away from civilization, free to live their lives freely. But this plan went terribly wrong. All of the criminals formed a large gang, and killed all of the prisoners who opposed them. Two police officers were sent to form a police station in Route 78, and bring justice.

    Story aside, Route 78 is not your average Cops and Robbers "Station 69"-esque map. I'd say this is more of a GTA-style game, as you are free to go wherever you like. You may here and there hear blasted through your mic, "BOOT HIM HE KILLED ME FOR NO RAISON", but you have plenty of chances to escape the cops, and if they seem to be a downright corrupt cop, feel free to boot them as you see fit.


    Here's a map of Route 78. As you can see, many doorways have been completely erased, and filled with barriers and crates. This does not mean at all that these doorways are unaccessable, you should be able to "open" them with a Warthog.


    The Police force. The sign of justice. There are two cops in Route 78, and opposed to most Cops and Robbers games, these cops are possible to kill. If you team up against them you're bound to kill one of them, but then expect to be killed by his teammate. If you're the nice kind of cop, you may send gang members to jail (The teleporter in middle image), but if you're strict then you may kill them as you see fit. The cops make their own rules on this map, not me. Here's most of their traits:
    • Forced color: Blue
    • Primary Weapon: Shotgun
    • Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol
    • Damage Resistance: 500%
    All of the rest of the traits are unchanged.


    The gang. The worst criminals coming together to reclaim the "city" that is rightfully theirs. They also have an armory, but it's much more powered down then the cops'. If the gang can make it to the cops' armory, they have much of a bigger chance to kill the cops. The only way out of jail is a "tunnel" that leads into the gang HQ. It would be smart to unblock the "tunnel" as soon as you spawn. The gang is armed with two Warthogs, two Mongooses, and a Tank that spawns at three minutes. Here's most of their traits:
    • Forced color: Red
    • Primary weapon: SMG
    • Secondary weapon: Magnum
    All of the rest of the traits are unchanged.


    The gas station. The last sign of neutrality in Route 78. This place is filled with lots of pickups, and a cash register. If you blow up the gas station, the crates containing the equipment will burst out everywhere, and you may be able to reach under the bridge for a pick-up without having to enter. This place is mainly for drive-bys and entertainment.


    The Leader of the Gang. He's the worst of the worst, the toughest of the tough, and most importantly, the only one that has a chance against a cop, but he only comes out after all of the gang members have died. He's got the same damage resistance as a cop, so he has one last chance against them. Traits:
    • Forced color: Brown
    • Damage Resistance: 500%
    The rest are unchanged.

    Well, that's Route 78. I hope you enjoy this map, and set it apart from most other cops and robbers maps. I'd also like to thank I dRuNk N1NjA I and I KVI3NS I, because whenever I play on this map, they're playing it with me.

    Download Route 78 v3.1
    Download Cops and Crooks
    #1 Fousu, Jul 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2009
  2. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    Looks like a great cops and robbers map. Reminds me of my map Liberty City.

    I really like the story line you add to the map. One question though, are the tanks overpowered at all?
  3. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    They spawn at 180 seconds, so it's usually when theres only one human left. Also, its very easy to hijack the tanks and plant a grenade, so I would definitely not say that they're overpowered, but more of a way to finish up the round.
  4. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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  5. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    First of all, there is no constructive critism in your post, also thats very steriotypical, third your link is dead(FAIL). The map looks neat and clean, a nice change to have CnR on a new map, overall 8/10
  6. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    LOL Wow this map looks a lot like a cops and robbers game, but looks better then it, any way nice use of the level i think it would be sweet if you made a sandbox map of this. ill DL
  7. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    1. Playing infection as intended is killing humans. Playing a user-created gametype as intended is doing whatever the user created it for.

    2. There is a very clear objective - have fun. And this objective never fails when I play this map.

    3. Your link is broken.

    EDIT: I managed to find the map you were referring to, Halo City. I understand that you think that maps should have more than one gametype that it's compatible with, but that's your own opinion. In my opinion, maps can be as sloppy as possible, have no interlocking, and have only one gametype, but as long as it's fun, none of that matters.
    #7 Fousu, Jul 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2009
  8. Dragon Antares

    Dragon Antares Ancient
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    Great map, the armory maybe the best part of the map.
  9. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    This is actually a really good map. I actually think that this must have been a while to think up and make. All of the spawns and areas looks great and well thought up, and pretty cool that you made areas in which you can not normally enter. The anyways the map looks very good, especially for a Rats Nest map.
  10. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    Thanks, in the first versions of the map, I wanted to get into the "watchtower" areas, but I didn't know how to teletap. Thanks to the community here on ForgeHub, I learned how. Thanks for the feedback, guys.

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