Does anyone know if it's possible to create a smooth flowing rounded object in forge..........I'd like something that is similar to a hill that is rounded at the top and vehicles wont get hung up on..........thanks!
get some boxes and interlock them only chaging the angle of thea certain numbers of degrees until you get the curve you want. but by the time you get finished you will probly be dead.
You'll never get a rounded 'hill' unless you make it very large and use up most of your inventory. Your best bet is to sacrifice a dimension and make a rounded upside down U with bridges or something. Even then, there are likely to be vehicle hangups and rough spots. With enough patience and interlocking, you might be able to get something going, though. What size are you looking at making this rounded geometrical element?
well as for size, I have a couple different ideas but i think it only needs to be high enough to reach the top of a double box...............but if it needs to go higher i could go two boxes high.....
It would be tough to make a small hill. Using Bridges or Boxes is your best bet. It will take a lot of practice to perfect it though, and there isnt a specific routine to making one, just stick some together and see what you come out with.
If you are going to be using boxes, you are going to HAVE to use the intersection with floor techniquie, and doing it round will be incredibly difficult, so extreme kudos to you if you manage it.
omfg making a rounded hill like that is nearly impossible and expect to use a lot of resources and about 5 hrs on one hill.
man....if i accomplish this hill thing i really hope i can get someone to take notice......if not it's gonna be a whole lotta work for nothin
forge nub here the one thing you have to determine is the size first and you can only do this with practice.
ForgeNub, lol! I wish I had coined that term first! Anyways, pointed rectangular object will prevent this hill from being flawless, but you can come close. As others have said above, the "merging with floor geometry" technique along with an insane amount interlocking will do the job. Click on "Forging 101" on the left sidebar to get tips and tricks for forging. --dc
a bigger hill shouldnt be that hard, it would just take alot of time, but a small hill would be pretty much IMPOSSIBLE
ForgeNub lol They should start a newbie help forum using that name. ON TOPIC: I'm practicing some interlocking now. Maybe sometime soon I'll be able to help you. (If you want some help just friend me and call me up sometime)
im nto so sure hoo amde it but on the competitive maps list some people ahve been making maps on this dome map some one made on foundry. its pretty rounded.