
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by vampireB34N, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. vampireB34N

    vampireB34N Ancient
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    Ross (vampire's 1st map(on foundry))
    Well i finally got my hard drive shipped from hong kong, after buying it off eBay a week ago and i considered d/l-ing the map packs.....I was new to foundry and advanced forge so i tryed to learn interlocking from forging 101 and sucked so i made this map.
    Its my first ever map on foundry so NO CRITICISM PLEASE...
    Don't moan about it I couldn't be bothered

    The Flood are outside, you are trapped in a warehouse no food, no bravery. just the hunger to do anything....even eat your own kind.....

    Ross is a map on foundry made for FFA slayer (free-for-all) The map name is named after the owner.....There is a couple of areas:

    The Bridge
    The bridge is running above the road with a rocket launcher spawned in the middle(180 soawn, 0 spare clips, one side has a trip mine(120 spawn). It has Some fence walls(i didn't know you could shoot through those ) for protection.....

    The Tip
    The tip is an area where you dump your rubbish, but instead it has brought chaos and flames.
    It has a Flamethrower(150 spawn) in the middle bottom level, a shotgun(90 spawn, 2 spares) in the fence box accessed above via the dumpster and a Carbine(45 spawn) accessed above via the 2nd dumpster

    The Depot
    The Depot is not that big, with one truck and a small locked cabin for storage things aren't as they seem. Cannibalistic UNSC soldiers have hidden they're food inside this "box" and they need allot more.....With only one BR(45 spawn) on top of the pallets, they are getting desperate.....

    The Car park
    The car park, used to get transport for people in this Factory is a quiet place....But UNSC soldiers have taken the opportunity to use supplies to build a warthog(60 spawn), with a fully mobile 50 caliber Turret. Note that it is not for the flood.
    There is also 3 mongooses(30 spawn) built for boredom withing a day of being trapped in this factory

    The tunnel
    The tunnel is usually a walk way for employees of the factory to get passed machinery. But now its is used for assassinating......With camo(180 spawn) and a shield door you are well protected with a man cannon to get to the over side of the map its pretty much hide and seek for those soldiers who wanna survive.....

    The office
    The office is an area to chillax...but not anymore =[
    This area has been filled with hatred and blood.
    a Brute shot(60 spawn) is lying on the ground for those who dare to get it. There is a grav lift(like guardian) to get to the second level where you can make your sprint across the bridge. There is a double box downstairs with a shield door for protection(not sex......) and a chopper(90 spawn) Sitting in a car port with blades as thick as concrete and another man-cannon to get to the sniper.

    The Staircase
    The staircase is an area with, well, a wide ass staircase. built to get up to the bridge, before that you can get that BR(45 spawn) lying there. or above the over shield tunnel with of course an overshield(180 spawn).

    Here are some more screenshots:

    Heres the download link

    Thanks for reading and downloading, and remember no comments on interlocking!
    #1 vampireB34N, Jun 8, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2008
  2. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    not bad for your first map. I like your elevator design, from the looks of that pic.
  3. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    YAY! keep it up!
  4. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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    was one pic in there twice?
  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    doesnt look too bad, though, first off, you need to edit your title, as it does not meet the standards. You should have simply put "Ross" as it keeps our maps section much cleaner.

    Also, the map for the most part, looks okay, minus the openness, you have a great base idea here, but you should really considering interlocking, i know you said no criticism, but if that is the case you may as well not post your map...

    In all honesty, not all maps NEED interlocking, this one for instance, also you should have (if you didn't) used interlocking, as this map does not look like you implemented it at all...if you were to have, there would be a lot more items throughout the map.

    Also, there is some sloppiness throughout the whole map, what i mean by that (I know you don't like to hear that, noone does) is that there are some spots where chief would trip up before hitting his next point of attack. I know I don't enjoy hitting a bump as I'm about to assassinate someone, giving him the opportunity to turn around and melee me...

    Also, another thing i would suggest is to simply turn off those boxes (this is where you have things for bridges(also, this is interlocking) then set up a truck, put a wall and fence wall on top of it flatly, then put your original wall ontop of that, that will help you to get it at a level that would make it so chief doesn't stub his toes.

  6. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    nice map it looks good i might have to delete something now which is bad :(
  7. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    I also fergot to mension well done on really thinking it throw most maps i see don't care about spawn and the clips to be hounest i even forgot you could change the clips so i will download for sure :)
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    sexy dude, i understand you may have forgotten to mention something, but all you have to do (to prevent getting in trouble) is go to your previous post, underneath it, hit "edit" then edit your previous post, also, to further prevent getting in trouble, do that, then hit edit on your most recent, then hit "delete" after "edit".

    Thanks, Tex
  9. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    An average map for a first? i guess pretty good i guess but then i think the map has little cover and thats what i think you should try to fix
  10. Scott12343

    Scott12343 Ancient
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    Nice idea, I really like the whole design of the map. But im not sure if there is any interlocking. Anyway, this map looks awesome.
    que'd for download
  11. vampireB34N

    vampireB34N Ancient
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    Thanks for the suggestions and comments guys, i will spend a couple of more days on it. and tex, i know your trying to abide by the rules but......TAKE A CHILL PILL SORRY LOL!!!!!! =P
  12. PapaSmurf

    PapaSmurf Ancient
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    looks kindof sloppy to me
  13. oWNoSid

    oWNoSid Guest

    Then why did you bother posting this map if you know people will critisize it? Why should we bother to download it? Not trying to be harsh but the point of posting a map is to get feedback and to have people dowload it.

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