Rooms of Doom

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by capn qwerty, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. capn qwerty

    capn qwerty Ancient
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    I designed this map to work with goal based gametypes like CTF, Assault, Territories, Oddball, and KotH. Doesn't work to well with Slayer, Infection, or Juggernaught. It could work with VIP but I wouldn't recomend it.


    Now, for the pics:

    Room 1 A
    Pretty basic, an open room where you can kill each other for about 30 seconds.

    Room 1 B
    Until the Cannon, Man appears and you gain access to the next room.

    Room 2 A
    This is where you enter from. The dual teleporters prevent camping, and the shield door makes suprise attacks from the rear rather futile.

    Room 2 B
    That wall is what you get slammed against after the Cannon, Man fomr Room 1 launches you through the teleporter.

    Room 2 C
    Around the corner, and the stairs to the next room.

    Room 3 A
    The shield doors prevent people on the top floor pwning people trying to get up the stairs. The fence walls give it kind of a maze feel (while still being able to shoot people).

    Room 3 B
    Another angle and more fence walls.

    Room 3 C
    The little hallway to the dumpster, which you jump on to get to the next room.

    Room 4 A
    Again, I use dual teleporters to prevent camping. The boxes provide high-ground and low-ground stratigy.

    Room 4 B
    Another angle and more boxes.

    Room 4 C
    Another angle, more boxes, and in the corner opposite of where you enter 2 doors will spawn and take you to the next room.

    Room 5 A
    The drop-point into the next room.

    Room 5 B
    First hallway.

    Room 5 C
    Second hallway, and behind the dumpsters a Cannon, Man will appear and send the 2 dumpsters rocketing down the hallway, revealing the teleporter to the next room.

    Room 6 A
    You will exit the before mentioned teleporter through one of the 8 seen here. Then grab a Mongoose and drive to the next room.

    Room 6 B
    This is your path.

    Room 7 A
    You must ditch the Mongoose to get to this room, then it's a strait (mostly) shot to the final room.

    Goal Room
    Where all the objectives are located.

    Additional Info.:
    Every 30 seconds access to a new room appears (with the exception of 7 and the Goal Room). I reccomend enabling infinite ammo, as there are no weapons on the map.
  2. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    To be honest, i think that the idea of everyone spawning together like that is going to put loads of people off. It has put me off (i'm just being honest, not trying to be mean or anything).

    Unless i've been mistaken in how its laid out ...
  3. capn qwerty

    capn qwerty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You do all start in one room...mabye I shoudl add some cover?
  4. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That'd be a great start :)
  5. capn qwerty

    capn qwerty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, why don't you download the map, try it, then tell me what I need to fix.
  6. bib bob

    bib bob Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice idea but can't you just grenade jump out of most of the rooms
    just asking but how long did it take you to make this map

    With extreme
    bib bob
  7. capn qwerty

    capn qwerty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    About a week. And yes, some of them can be grenade jumped out of, but only into the next room. And attempting a grenade jump will usualy cost you your life.
  8. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Many flaws to the gameplay. The box room- high ground will destroy. The spawn room- spawn camping? Shield doors- they add to camping, not prevent it. There are more but I think you get it. I'm not trying to just shut down your map but it seems like it would be better as a mini-game or casual.
  9. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Seems like an opportunity for domination. Places to camp galore and if u die, back to the beginning with u. With this, a team could just send one man for the goal leave the rest of the team to camp. Sry, but i think it still needs some work.
  10. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I don't see the doom
  11. capn qwerty

    capn qwerty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I couldn't think of a better name.

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