Map Title: Rooftop Finale Yet another L4D-based map. Download Map Download Gametype Download Gameplay Video (I don't have equipment for YouTubing this yet). ---I AM CURRENTLY NOT PLANNING TO MAKE CHANGES TO THIS MAP--- ---UNLESS I RECEIVE MANY REQUESTS TO--- Description: This is an Infection / Objective map based off of Left 4 Dead. I decided to make a map that would simulate survivors working their way toward rescue. The gametype is set for 8 players, but you may change it to your liking. I tried to incorporate Special Infected into the game; Special Infected are red Alpha Zombies and they have slight damage resistance and are slightly faster than normal zombies. All survivors have slight increase in weapons damage. In this map, survivors fight off waves of zombies as they try to make their way to the top of a building to signal for rescue. First and foremost, I'll tell you that you probably need to go into Forge yourself and place Spawn points according to the number of Survivors (and possibly Infected) you're wanting, and you'll learn why in a second. This is the front of the building which includes the main entrance. This is a tower where ONE survivor should spawn. It includes a sniper rifle which he can use to help the survivors below fight off hordes, as well as a Transport Hornet which spawns after 2 minutes that he will use to go rescue the other survivors on the rooftop. Here we have the inside of the first floor of the building in which the survivors must take refuge. After the first 15 seconds, this wooden bridge will spawn allowing for the survivors to move up to the second floor. Once the timer hits 30 seconds, a kill ball spawns at the entrance, prohibiting the zombies from entering from the front. However, where one door closes, another one opens... This "door" is accessible from the back of the building, where a gravity lift spawns at 30 seconds in and allows the zombies access to the inside once more. Meanwhile, the survivors will be preparing for the next attack on this 2nd floor At 45 seconds, another bridge spawns, allowing the survivors to progress onto the 3rd floor. At the 1-minute-mark, a kill ball spawns over the receiver node, rendering the "back door" entrance on the 1st floor inaccessible. On the 3rd floor, we have an elevator. However, it's not working at the moment. Fight off zombie hordes as you attempt to "repair" it. There is, of course, another hole to keep an eye on. This hole is accessible by zombies from the side of the building via these tube pieces. The man cannon spawns at the 1-minute mark. If the survivors are able to survive the last encounter, then the "elevator" should be "fixed" at 1 min 30 sec. A kill ball will also spawn inside wall at the same mark. BE SURE TO STAY CLEAR OF THAT GENERAL CORNER. The elevator leads to this area which you can jump to reach the rooftop. Alternate view. (Sorry for the Forge screenshots) Rooftop, full view. Don't celebrate your breath of fresh air just yet, the rescue signal is not yet lit. Meanwhile on the ground, man cannons spawn on all 4 corners of the building (also 1:30 mark). Zombies can now launch themselves onto the rooftop. If you're still managing to survive the zombie horde, the signal while illuminate at 2:00. (At the same time, the Hornet Transport spawns by the Sniper.) Rewind back to 1:30, a double wall spawns underneath this rooftop teleport (only accessible by zombies due to extreme jumping distance). Sniper beware, they can come in from above. (I needed something to help the zombies get to the Last Man Standing so they could hurry up and end the round without having to wait out the next 1:30 mins). If you want to preview this map in action, download the Gameplay Video at the top (Xbox LIVE download). It shows a sort of mid-perspective as you watch player Squall makes it to the rooftop, only to have his partner and pilot friends abandon him for dead. One last note: I know this map isn't perfect and I'll be the first to admit I'm not a great Forger. This is why I'm hoping one of YOU will take this map and spruce it up to better fit together and make the gameplay more fluent. I don't even ask that you give me credit or anything, I just ask that you PM me the download link for it **I'm not relying on others to remake my map for me. I'm encouraging those who may want to do so for themselves.
Looks a bit sloppy. If you merge more and clean it up a bit than you could have an aesthetically pleasing map. You shouldn't have to rely on other people to fix up YOUR map. As for the gameplay; It seems that the hornet would be very overpowering. The zombies NEED a way to kill it. I understand that it spawns after two minutes and it is supposed to be powerful. You have a good idea going there, and you should find a way to keep it on the map. Maybe after two minutes make a custom powerup with a rocket launcher near it to aid the zombies in their quest for brains. The powerup should enable the zombies to pick up the rockets for only a short period of time. Also, what if the person who spawns by the hornet is AFK? Is there at least a time limit? Anyway, the map needs work, but you have a solid idea going. Rooftop Finale V2? 4/10
Thank you for your constructive criticism! I guess there are a few things I should clarify. -I currently have no plans to continue work on this map, as it has eaten up several hours of my time already. -I'm not relying on anyone else to do it for me. I'm simply stating that whoever WANTS to may do so without my permission. -I know the map isn't very pretty. I am not trying to win "map of the year" or anything, my friends and I just found this map to be very fun and I thought I'd share it with the community of ForgeHub. However, I am by no means a "pro" forger nor do I plan to be. (Hence me leaving it to the community to do whatever they please). -The hornet is supposed to be overpowering. The zombies have a chance to kill the sniper 30 seconds before the hornet even spawns, and on top of that, the hornet pilot has to risk their own life trying to save the others on the rooftop. The zombies already seem to have the upperhand (having played this map about 40x, I've learned that zombies win 60%-70% of the time). -If the sniper is AFK, well then he's probably not a very good teammate. Either that, or he has really important stuff to do and the others should understand. (I'm thinking spawning a Warthog or something on the top of the roof at 2:30 may combat this, but as I said before I have no plans to continue work on this). Once again, thank you! Those are some nice ideas.
I have to agree with Dr. Killmore, it does look pretty sloppy. I don't think you rushed the map, as it seems very well thought out. Maybe you didn't take all the precautions to make sure your map was at it's best. First, the walls NEED to all be even. Large bumps when walking can mean life or death for a player. Especially when playing Infection. I also don't like how the zombies have limited ways inside the building, that is just going to lead to camping in opposite corners away from the main entrance. Also killballs can be a real pain to look at for long periods of time, especially when there are FX on. So, I would recommend changing the killballs with something else to block the entrance and teleporter. What happens if players don't progress up the staircases to the roof? They could just camp down on the first floor, wait for the killballs and give the zombies even fewer ways for the zombies to get down there. It seems L4D gametypes and maps are becoming more and more popular to remake in Halo. A lot of people don't like the L4D style gametypes (no shields, super fast), so I hope that isn't the gametype your using here. Lastly, having the stairs spawn later isn't something they did in L4D. Waiting for the helicopter is, but not the stairs to the there. 1/4, don't rely on others to fix up your map man, you can do it! Look at the Forging 101 and Forging 201 sections to help you out.
I didn't rush it, but I also didn't know what I was aiming for until about midway through. Also, from experience I know that camping isn't such a full-proof plan. As I said in my last reply, 60-70% of the time the zombies win. I agree with the killballs, if I ever decide to pick this back up, those will be done away with. As for the camping on the first floor, I don't think that will happen unless the players are there to WIN and not to have fun, but I try my best not to invoke the honor system and may fix this. The gametype is not typical of those other ones. The only changes I made are mentioned in the description. I didn't set out to make a replica of L4D. In fact, I don't really even like the franchise. I just liked the idea of survivors progressively moving up to the roof of a building while fighting for survival. Once again, I am not relying on others to fix this. I am simply giving access to whoever wants to do so. If enough people want, I can remake this to the best of my ability but for now my goal is to just share this with people, as I'm not currently making any changes. I do appreciate all criticisms.
I agree with everyone, saying that it is sloppy but that can be improved even if you dont want to do it yourself. For any future infection tips look at HerO from OhiO's infection maps, and my map Broken Down in the link below
although it is sloppy, it is a very greatly thought out map. it obviously took time. i think that it is a very good idea and keeps the game going. im going to have to disagree with the previous statements and give it a 9/10.
Thank you for those encouraging words. I don't think people can understand the true fun this map has to offer without trying it first. It's more about playability, not aesthetics.
I've played it...It's not fun. Battleman is definitely someone who has a beef with ohiO. I wouldn't be surprised if he just said what he said to mess with ohiO / raise his post count. ... As for what you've said about "not rushing the map", I really doubt it. For example, those Kill Balls are unrealistic, they look ugly, and there are millions of other, better ways to block off entrances. This is only one of hundreds of complaints that can be made against your map. What you've done here is definitely rushing. Maybe you don't realize it. Maybe you just don't know what rushing really is. Either way though, you've spent very little time on this map and the result is not pretty. No one is asking you to be a master forger, but please, just try and spend more time on your maps from here on out. Linked For Truth! Cheers, HarisSales.
Hate to say it but as others had said, the map is sloppy. I also noticed there is no merging. merging is something every mao should have so that it looks cleaner and plays better. You have a nice design and basic concept, you just have to neaten it up.
Brilliant My friends constantly want to play this. I dont care if its smooth or not. What makes a good map for me is gameplay. The hornet idea is great, however as others have said it can be a little over powering. Mabye zombies should be able to skyjak and get a huge jump so the pilot has to keep on his toes and save his friends from a grsome end. One of my favourite infection maps ever. Keep infection maps such as these coming The King