Romero Plaza is a zombie map that I have been playing around with lately. Upright Corpses Brigade is the gametype that I have made specifically for the map. It is an alpha zombie gametype with safe havens enabled. I got tired of the same old, same old SWAT-style zombie gametypes that I was using with a few previous maps I made, and so this one plays quite a bit differently. In this gametype, both zombies and humans have non-regenerating shields, and so as a result there are no one-shot kills unless a human or zombie has already been injured. Now on to the map. It is essentially a reworked version of a previous infection map I made called Infested Courtyard. There are four sides to the map, and each side is split into two small rooms, making for a total of eight rooms for the humans to hold off in. A grassy courtyard lies in the middle of the map, with a glass windowed store at the very center. The alpha zombies spawn inside the center store and are released via teleporter in about 30 seconds. Each of the four sides has a safe haven, and so the safe haven will switch between the four sides so long as there are humans in each side. What's so great about the safe haven? The safe haven enables the humans' shields to regenerate and also gives them infinite ammo and increased damage. The humans should want to survive the round, and so they should split up into groups in each of the four sides so that the safe haven effectively switches between the sides. They should cover each others' windows and doors and also keep their own doors closed. Should a human be slashed once by a zombie, he can use a health pack that will spawn in each room every minute. If you are inside a safe haven, you have unlimited ammo, so don't be afraid to use your shotguns and other weapons to keep the covenant crate in your doorway. The way I have the gametype right now, it should take only two slashes to infect a not already injured human. The humans have unlimited sprint so at the beginning they can grab a weapon or two and hurry to a room. The alpha zombies are normal speed and have no armor abilities. No armor abilities are really necessary as the map is very small. The beta zombies have sprint and are slightly weaker than the alpha zombies. I believe it takes several headshots to kill the zombies, so again, these are not "SWAT" zombies. Screenshots: Center store in which the alphas spawn: Humans on green side doing a good job: Those same humans, soon to be infected: Yes, this game is a bit like Township and Counterstrike zombies.