Rocket + Sniper Bullet = Bang The Story: Once upon a time, there was a guy called "The Markus 360" and some random dude. The Markus 360 (me) was high up in the map called Narrows with a sniper. Then around the corner, came a desperate guy wanting to get a kill. And yes, you've guessed it, he had a rocket launcher. We both shot and the Sniper bullet hit the Rocket, and then hit the random guy. The rocket went off course and exploded in the air. I was saved, and then owned that guy that tried to kill me. The Screenshots:
We used to do this in Forge on Sandtrap. One person would fly up to one of the structures and one person would fly up to the other. They'd zoom in on each other's faces, one would shoot a rocket and the other person would shoot it with the sniper. Hilarity. Never did it in a game, though. That's pretty wicked.
i knew that you could reflect rockets with a hammer but didnt know you cuold snipe them and in game bravo
this happens to me everytime i shoot a rocket uness a core piece flys up nd it shoots that and i get suicide
Wow thats a pretty sweet shot .. If you shot a bit earlier you could of killed him with his own rocket! Or did you do that? Oh well nice pics though
NOw what would really be awesome is a rocket is deflected by a gravity hammer, then shot by a sniper!