I have a quasi-traditional Sandtrap race, 4 teams, each with 2 original spawn points and 4 respawn point in their respective area's. I have respwn area markers on all 4 teams. Each orig. spawn/respawn/area marker are set to "3rd team", "4th team", "5th team", "6th team" respectively. Here's my problem: When I start the game (in custom games) the players are not original spawning where they should be (in their team areas) or respawning. The map was cleansed of all spawn points before forging. And yes, it is set for a VIP match in custom games, and when I'm forging. I'm guessing this has something to do with not "connecting" the players to the spawn points. There's no "attacker/defender" in vip, right? Does the game connect "Red team" to "3rd team", "Blue team" to "4th team" etc, automatically as I'm assuming, or am I dead wrong about that?
Because your settings are probably for slayer, and RR is a VIP Gametype. If you were in slayer it would've worked.
Red-Defenders Blue-Attackers Orange/Green-third team ^Whichever one that is not^-fourth team Set two starting spawns, and two normal respawns for each of those. For multi team, defenders=1st team, attackers=2nd team, this is where your problem is.