Yea, Run to the Hills is quite ridiculous on Hard. Those 34th notes are a pain, and the rhythm is tough to get down.
lol, sorry, I thought they were 34th. I play guitar in real life, so I don't really know much about drums.
Oh man, my mind has been blown.... a Tool DLC pack would be so epic... omfg that would be so good... Also, there are a lot of powermetal bands that could work well... blind guardian would be amazing... dragonforce would be fun, maybe too hard though... would be really fun for singing... i would so pwn all the power metal songs on singing... they definitely should put some more Faith No More songs in it... FNM has like 1000 better songs than Epic, thats just a lame radio song
i wonder how rock band would measure the pitch on the vocals of metal songs that are screaming...? and kinda off topic of what everone is talking about right now, but i don't really like to use the rock band guitar it's hard to press the buttons, or harder than the GH3 controller, so i just use's easier to do the solos. the only downside is for the freestyle solo part things you can't do hammer ons because it only works up high on the fretboard on the RB controller. what do you guys think?
Usually in screaming parts you dont have to match pitch for example in Flyleafs song. I also use GH3 guitar. -Donuts
i use the higher notes, im not great at it but im working on it screaming's pitch only matters (at least on easy and medium), at least in Im So Sick, The Kill, and The Attack
There's no way they would be able to do any death metal songs at all. I mean, I personally could do it, but it would have no mass market appeal. I doubt that they would even put a band like Slayer in it. I think our best hope for more metal getting in, is either more 80's/90's metal, or perhaps some power metal. To be realistic, i think we can hope for a lot more great classic rock to be coming in over time.
i would like to see a green day pack. their good songs like homecoming and boulevard of broken dreams would be fun to play. or maybe even some old songs, like longview.
beatles pack - help!, revolution, twist and shout guns n roses pack face down - red jumpsuit apparatus (just think about rock band while u listen) :squirrel_rocking: avenged sevenfold - almost easy, beast and the harlot, some other song...theyd have to obviously simplify the drums but how awesome would it be
i sat at school for like 2 hours listening to my iPod and thinking about rock band at the same time...
Alice in Chains, GnR, Greenday... these are all great bands that actually would have a chance of getting in the game i think, since they are popular and well known, and also singable. Hopefully its some older Greenday songs, because i hate their new stuff.
I would love some greenday that would be pretty awesome. I am still surprised that they got a contract from Blink. -Donuts
yellowcard - rough landing holly taking back sunday - liar sum 41- underclass hero rise against - prayer of the refugee, injection hoobastank - out of control, born to lead, crawling in the dark linkin park - papercut those sound good too