I was looking around the internet after reading my Gameinformer and came across the list of songs that will be in Rockband 2. I must say that this list is incredible. Songs from AC/DC, Rise Against, Rage Against the Machine, System of a Down, Presidents of the USA, Alice in Chains, Motorhead, Smashing Pumpkins and crap loads more. Song List Link
Yeah, they released it in E3. I still think they could have chosen better songs from some of the artists (Metallica, Judas Preist, etc.) but I might buy RB2.
Well so far, the new premium drum set from Ion looks pretty amazing. And for $300 fricking dollars omg it better be.
white wedding, shooting star, livin on a prayer. awesome setlist, im excited! i love alot of those songs
Yea I cannot wait until this game comes out... I am pretty excited. I already got the instruments so I will just be buying the game with the 100 songs. September is just around the corner
Gameinformer is amazing! and only five bux. I read em when I'm bored at work. I'm actually quite impressed with RB song list, as well being able to use the old instruments means I throw down 50 bux for wicked songs. GHWT may be looking good as well..but man I dunno. Also, I thought the date was november mikey? Edit: OH **** they bumped the date back. Must being trying to get the leg up on GH. Sweet.
Yeah theres another post on it .. Not sure which was made first though .. I wanna sing disturbed just for the ohh ah ah ah ah at the beginning =] Its looking sweet but can you use the old instruments on it?