Map has three power weapons sniper,rockets, must control the middle and the buildings for control of the map.Map is medium size map try and have fun.weapion list plasma and frags,sniper,shotgun,rockets,plasma pistol,dmr.two towers at both spawns to get a view to help your team to get rockets or when you get the sniper of the rockey cliff.let me know what you think
Make sure you check out the rules to keep your thread up to code. You'll want some pics and a bit of description.
The map looks good, a cliff side platform, if you have more rocks you should make like some sort of a railing for looks, and make some rock pillars. To keep this thread from getting deleted you need to add some more pics and a better description. I will download this and take a better look.
You could give a weapon list, what gave you the idea to make this map, and map detail info, like for example, info about the caves or center structures. If you could, could you post some more pics so that people could get a better look at the map, so that you get more feedback on you map and are given some ideas.
i think you should add more aesthetics to make the map cooler and i also think that you should add more cover but i really like that cave-like-thing
I agree with raptor, aesthetics and cover looks like it could be a problem to a point. One tip for the future, try not to use default buildings try making your own from blocks and bridges as this will show more time and effort has gone into the map, Try using things in different ways and hopefully it should get your maps more downloads.