Rock, Paper, Scissors Created by petetheduck Required Gametype: Rock-Paper-Scissors Recommended Players: 2 Scarcely do I consider a front-page article a forum for a memoir-like reflection of my abilities, but Chance so has it that I am in the mood for such things, and have the perfect set of memories on which to reflect upon. The day is vague, but I remember sitting in some formal setting with family, probably a dinner, and explaining my undefeated stance in the handy game after I discovered my innate ability to read people. I was countered, of course, by criticism and disbelief, and soon I was forced to make a show of my claims. First up was my sister, recently graduated (in modernity, at the time she was a sophomore). "I'm going to lose twice in a row, then I'll sweep in a win." People laughed, thought me proud, and were proven wrong. Three more times, against different opponents, did I find this technique an easy victory. To study one's face, their indecision, and the tremble some have in between the second and third hit of the the fist on their open palm. Heuristics, strategy, I am unbeaten. Not so in the sport of Halo. Gone are the personal reactions, the readability of one's demeanor, the subtle gives and takes that transform the game into something of a million-dollar poker match. In its place is a simple, clean aesthetic, under which a complicated, brilliant mechanism brings forth memories of success or disdain and displeasure. If you lose, you die. And your opponent laughs. It is a simple game, one which nearly everyone has enjoyed in their youth at some point, and it is brought to form in a grand affair. Download it, play it between competitive matches, it is the seminal mini-game. Download Rock, Paper, Scissors You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
What? Another duck? Geeze, at east this one isn't psychotic... Anyway, this looks pretty awesome, I shall have to try it out sometime.
I so hoped this wouldn't get overlooked. I love how you come up with the most ingenious mechanics. Congratulations, Duckie #3.
This should be used when two people both want to play their map next. I love the ingenuity displayed here. I wish I understood Forge enough to execute things like this. Awesome feature.
Whoever made this, thank me for this feature. /shamelessSelfPromotion lol. And everyone who knows that I recommended this for a feature knows that I love it =)
I have to say I disagree with this one. I guess the author has been original and clever in making it work, but I just don't see how it can be very fun. A featured map for me (especially a mini-game) should be fun to play over and over again. If I put this on for one of my friends they will most likely say: "That's pretty cool, now you wanna play something else?" That's just me though.
Organite anxiously refreshes the poll results to be sure that people like it ^^ Great feature! One of the most head-scratching maps I've seen which doesn't use an 'insane' variant, and looks great to boot! Well done.
There are two general types of mini-games. Those that are quite literally, mini-games, and those that are competitive casual maps meant to be played repeatedly. This is the former.
This has more replay and enjoyability than an aesthetic feature, which no one complains about. In terms of this specific aspect, this map lies somewhere between an aesthetic map and what one might class a regular mini-game. If you can't see the value in this which warrants a feature as it's own piece then fair enough, everyone is entitled to their opinions on features etc., but I think disagreeing with the premise of featuring something like this is inherently flawed.
Maybe I just don't see what you guys think is so special about it to feature it. The problem I have with it is that when I "played" the map with a friend, both of us were curios to see how it worked, but we never played it again afterwards. The mechanism works great, but overall it's still boring. You just sit there, wait and hope that you win, the process uis just too long to be entertaining for me.
And aesthetic maps you look around them once and never play them again. Hell, most people don't even load up the map, just look at the pictures. It's not only an ingenious use of switch tech, it's also formed in to a nicely finished product. I agree that it doesn't have much replay value in the way you guys are talking, but I think my point above covers why that's a very tenuous point to judge features as a whole on. I think the fact that this is roughly classed as a mini-game is putting an unfair slant on the way you guys are addressing this, and tbh I think if people didn't put such an emphasis on what are essentially vague classes of map to guide their thinking, then this wouldn't even be an issue.
Yeah, I 100% agree with Peg. This map isn't fun to play more than a few times, and you'll never load it up except just to show a friend and amaze them, but that's exactly the same for aesthetic maps. Just take the non-playable value of this map, and add on the fact that you'll have at least a little bit of fun playing it.
yeah.. look at apartment 5b, why would you want to load up that map again? all you do is look at it once and you're done. its just the creativity in a map that gets it featured, others are gameplay.
This, from the man who made apartment 5b. o/ I just want to add a note about features in general. Features are staff picks. They dont have to be the best map on the site at the time, they dont have to have absolutely perfect gamplay/aesthetics/etc. They are merely maps we like, and applying criteria to our staff pics only serves to heighten your own personal bar when determining the quality of the featured maps themselves, which is unfair to the mapmakers (petetheduck, in this case). It is, what it is, and we liked it.
What? I seriously load up Apartment 5B almost every day to play some retarded game on it with my friends. Im telling you man, it never gets old. But anyway, I agree with LD all the way. Its really cool and all, but I only played it a few times, and it gets boring. Im still voting the map as good.
lol humbleness ftw. And Zath, Peg, and Teddy are right. Aesthetic maps get featured with zero playability and nobody complains (except me) and when a mini-game with an ingenious system with actual, substantial, aesthetic prowess every other person complains. And yes Ted, I do keep refreshing the poll =P