Released May 23rd [UK] I'm aware that its out in the U.S, I'm looking for an honest review. My main question would be, is it worth its price? Is there any faults that i should be aware of? All coments are appreciated, I'm really excited in getting it. - DRiSCOLL
Well I will gladly help you since I love that game and I love drumming. You are going to love it! Especially the drumming and singing. The guitar is okay but if I were you I would stick with drumming. In my opinion, the game is totally worth it. At least an hour everday, I hop online and play band quickplay with others around the world. Only fault that I have had is my bass pedal snapping in two, which you can replace from a website, or buy a "Mega Pedal" off of Ebay. I am getting a mega pedal myself because my replacement is about to snap. The best thing (that will not make this game old), is that every Tuesday, 3 or more songs are released as DLC pricing at $1.99 each (Sometimes $.99 each). Or you can buy the whole pack and save some money. What I do when new songs come out every week is check them out on Youtube (I do a quick search) and see if I like them. If you are a musician you will absolutely LOVE this game.
It's great. That's all there is to know. Plus, if you've got the money to spend, the download songs are great.
just borrow your parents credit card secretly and enter in the info into your xbox, it will save the credit card number and everything, then you can DL whatever u want
yea rock band is awsome, I have it and probablythe best thing about it is the only difference between guitar hero and itself, the drums
In my opinion guitar hero is better. Since it is specifically made for guitar it obviously is better in that aspect. The drumming in Rock Band is decent. It only has 4 drums and a bass drum pedal though. I think it would be cooler if there were cymbals and a double bass add on. Guitar hero 4 is going to include a drum set with 3 drums, 2 cymbals, and a double bass, so i'm just gonna wait for that.
agreed. i think that rock bands guitar is so-so, and way too easy. drumming is fun, but i think it gets old cuz every song feels the same to me. it may not get old for some of you, but i got bored after i skipped from easy to hard and got halway through hard