Whic actor should play Robin in the Batman series? If you don't know who robin is, i forbid you from any comic-book related movies **** Grayson is Robin's real name **** Grayson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
hmm i never thought of that however im sure it will stick to the comic line and he'll be an acrobat whos parents are killed by a mafia wanting money frmo the circus
there won't be a robin... at least i hope not. but if there is i agree with HITtheLIGHTZ, Comissioner Gordon's son.
There won't ever be a Robin in the new Batman movie series. The day they add Robin is the day the series loses its realistic edge that sets it apart from older Bat movies. Christopher Nolan won't do it, so unless he's not involved in the sequel it won't happen. That being said it'd be Commisioner Gordon's kid, if anyone.
Mark Wahlberg, he can play anything. Brad Pitt possibly? or do they need to be younger. What about the kid who was Anakin in the latest Star Wars.. He has been in films since, Chaos, Jumper. He's an up and comer.
Hayden Christensen? Hes kinda oldish for a Robin role. Hes not very good at emotional roles either (hes very overdramatic in star wars...). Apparently he's a good actor in other movies i havent seen....and he IS a good fighter, lol
Yeah for the record I don't want robin either, if there is one it will be that kid maybe just played by someone else.
Gordon's son is actually an interesting idea, but I certainly hope it's never done. Actually, it's Commissioner Gordon's daughter that goes on to be Batgirl in the DC world and later Oracle for Batman after she's crippled (by The Joker, no less). I never liked the idea of Robin for Batman; it seems to totally go against the type of character he is. Why would he allow a young kid get in harm's way of people like The Joker and others? Just doesn't make much sense. That being said, if they were to do anything with a Robin character, make it the girl from The Dark Knight Returns, Carrie Kelley.
It doesnt make sense in so many ways. Like how he wears all black all over his body, and Robin wears red., green,and yellow, and doesnt cover much of his body...
The reason batman took robin in was almost the same thing happened to robin as a kid, and so batman feels him almost equal. He doesn't force robin into harms way and still ends up protecting him. wow i completely forgot about her...
wow, i didnt reallize that, yea, itll be good that they bring him in, and that they had saved him formally. but also, i hope, just as the movies are darker, the new robin is too. and no "holy artichocks batman!" the would be just plain stupid