ROADBLOCK TOWER - Humans race to the top of a tower as objects get thrown at them. Zombies are mere feet behind with an obstacle of crates in there way. Once the crates have been overcome, it's a cat-and-mouse chase to the top. Humans have to defend themselves against the hoards. But watch out! There's a pit of fusion coils for any player that doesn't pay attention. You may survive getting to the top, but can you kill zombies whilst evading the death pit? Map Canvas: Foundry Recommended Players: 6-16 Recommended Gametypes: Alpha Zombie, Infection (Default) Objective: Get to the top before the zombies get you Idea: There's a tower with a human base at the top. But the humans spawn at the bottom. You can either have one alpha zombie, or a couple instant-kill zombies, spawn right behind the humans in a tunnel, but the entrance from the tunnel to the tower is blocked by crates, which the zombies have to plow through, giving the humans enough time to make it to the top. Now here's the the humans race to the top, items, such as dumpsters, soccer balls and the like, get hurtled at them (thus "roadblock tower"). and at the top, there's a deat pit, with a bunch of fusion coils so you have to watch so you don't fall in. once you get past the hurtling objects you reach a rectangular base (where the death pit's located). Inside, there's many tunnels, hiding places, and places to defend. You pretty much hold out as long as you can. Sorry, no pictures, guys. I just wanted to lay out my idea for this map I made about a year and a half ago, but when my xbox got stolen, the map went with it. So, I decided to remake it, using ghost merging to make it cleaner and nicer. Let me know what you think of this idea. EDIT: I'm 40% through the construction process. I plan to release a couple spoiler shots once I get to 70%, when all the main construction's complete. The final 30% will be weapon placing and the hurtling objects as well any finishing touches on the structures. EDIT #2: this being only my second budget glitched map, as i was forging, i noticed all my double boxes (15 in total), and single boxes (8 or 9) were inaccessable. So I had to start over from scratch. It sucks. But if any of you want to help me make it, you're free to join =)