RM Switch Created by blanman and ill4everown R.M. Stands for Regenerator+Mancannon. ill4everown and I were Forging, when we discovered a new fact about the Man Cannon. The Man Cannon's launch zone is increased when there is a Regenerator in the area. Basically meaning, you can use the Man Cannon from farther away. With understanding, we turned it into a function where, if there is a regenerator, you get launched. A trip mine can be used in place of the regen, but I think the Regenerator is more favorable. The Example map we have made goes like this: You start at 'A' and have to get to 'B', but have no way to get there Grab the Regenerator Throw it down, activating the Man Cannon ...and fly to success! Forging Process Stack up 4-6 Walls Between the player and the Man Cannon. From that distance, it is safe to walk on, but immergable objects can still be launched. (Remember that this can also be done horizontally) Throw down your Regenerator to Activate! Hoping that this makes for some cooler maps, blanman and ill4everown Map Link: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=56481263
Wow, you guys may have stumbled upon a new feat to bring into the forging world, nice ^_^ I love how a year later, we are still learning new things Great find!
I'ma gonna dl this. The switch sounds awesome. Did you test other equipment to see if it had a similar effect?
Yes, surprisingly, only the Regenerator has worked thus far, but we will definitely be keeping an eye out for new effects that equipment has.
trip mines also work. Not to be mean but this was found out a long time ago just not posted on here i think go to H3Artufucers to see way more complicated switches
Regenerators, like Power Drains, do not have any effect on shields through walls. For this application, though, it doesn't matter if there are walls in the way.
yeah the link dont work man Edit: ok the link works now wow but still i give HUGE props to this guy for giving me this. because i know how it feels to find something out then find out some one else found it a long time ago. like my map where am i.
its on youtube dude... but, its cool you found another way to use it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW1nEXZ1wxI
Yea it's a real site, I've been there before too and he is right, this has been discovered long ago and way more complex switches are on that site. If you like switches at all search it on google(i'll get a working link) EDIT: LINK
That sucks. I've never heard of that site before or of this Switch being used. It should really be more noticeable :/
trust me just go on there and join and you will learn the most outragous stuff i no one of the admins
Sages link works now anyways. Im sorry to say but this was known already like last april. Youtube video, check the date april, 2008 Here is also a map that buddhacrane posted with this, link If you turly did find this out on your own then props man but if you were trying take claim for something less known...
Nice find! It's been found out as the elevator glitch before. But you put this glitch into a new idea and a detailed explanation. Good Job
yeah, this was found out a long time ago, that being said this really helped me out because you showed how to do it; and for that, i owe you my thanx.
ya, sorry to say, this was actually already used in a competitive map, i think by dented_drum, but it was there and i remember discussions about who discovered it and when it was discovered EDIT: Found the link here it is http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/19452-regency.html
Umm, just so you know, this isn't actually that new, I've known this for more than 3 months now, and I'm already putting it into one of my maps, so you can't exactly say this is yours, but you can say that you found this out yourself, because you did. But don't take credit, because also, my friend xHavoc Reaperx already has his map H.D. Cyclone out which has this in it also. So yeah..