My First Conquest map, RK Bastion. Red Spawn Blue Spawn After you spawn, this is the initial view. A few wall aesthetics, some nice weapon placement, and lovely wooden roof. (Not really lovely) From the spawn, if you turn right towards the next territory, this is what you will see. A nice Arching walk area, and tiny table with all sorts of weaponized goodies. Continueing to turn right, this is what you will see next. (Spartan not included in map.) From here you can start to see the center territory, and can pick up a few more weapons on the way there. This is the center territory. Confused? Don't be. Some of those bars are scaffolding, and others are tin cup bars, which you can walk through. Weapons Assualt Rifle - 1 per team - 10 seconds - 2 spare clips Brute Shot - 1 per team - 90 seconds - 2 spare clips Sniper Rifle - 1 per team - 60 seconds - 1 spare clip SMG - 6 on map, 3 per side - 10 seconds - all at 2 spare clips Battle Rifle - 2 per team - all at 20 seconds - all at 1 spare clip Plasma Rifle - 2 per team - 10 seconds Needler - 1 per team - 90 seconds - 1 spare clip Spiker - 6 total, 3 per team - 10 seconds - 2 spare clips Plasma Pistol - 1 per team - 45 seconds Plasma Grenade - 1 per team - 45 seconds Frag Grenade - 1 per team - 45 seconds Mauler - 1 per team - 90 seconds - 1 spare clip Notes about the Mauler: After numerous tests, the mauler is found to only be effective if used properly, and with some strategy. On this particular map, the mauler best used near the center territory, either by hiding behind walls while capturing the territory, or by charging through the cage itself. Thanks for taking a look at my map, and I hope you have a lot of fun on it! Download RK Bastion : Halo 3 File Details Download Conquest : Halo 3 File Details
Yeah that is a really good idea haha. I like the layout of the map, it could use a little tweaking, you know just fix any gaps, make sure the roof is completely merged with not cracks. Still good map i'll dl and take a look at it. It is a really nice map, only thing i would edit is the starting spawns. Make the area a little lower too the ground that way if the first territory is right their it is easier to access. The aesthetics on this map are great, the arch area's where needlers are is amazing, simple yet good looking. I can tell you don't know ghost merging? or if you do your not that great at it yet. Nevertheless you need to practice more. Alot of the walls need to be merged slightly into the ground and together to keep grenades from dissappearing.
:O ok normally i see a conquest map and not much is going on in it, there corridors to war. Its gotten down to aesthetics being one major factor in what conquests i download. Those bars and the starting walls and arches have you a download from me. keep up the good forging
nice job on the center territory: mixing the bars! genious! the map itself looks really well forged as well, it has a nice mix of gold-to-rock if you know what i mean. starting spawns look a bit iffy, but nothing a v2 wont fix.
The cage idea is frikin amazing!!! I had a similar idea but not as good as yours! Aesthetics look great and well forged i would DL if i ever played conquest
Looks like a nice map, my question is, do you have to crouch to get through the bars, or can you run through them?
Great add-on to the Conquest Maps bro! I love the theme of this one, very unique and the structure design is awesome! There is one thing though, I can see that your roofs are a little messy. Go back and fix those for a v2. Great job dude, definite download! 4/5 -Plasmy
The middle is a good idea with the bars but the one who didn't see these pics could be lost .. and to be disadvantaged .. Don't you think ? But aesthetics looks very nice i put a 4.5/5 !!
Thanks for the feedback. Well, you can trust me when I say that I know how to ghost merge, and can do so very well, as a matter of fact. I'm pretty close to the object limit on the map, but thank the bungie gods for OLN canvases. I'll definantly merge the floor and walls together when I get the chance: In fact, the only disappearing grenade troubles I've had were the needler arches. The ceiling I know needs work. When I go back to fix the ceiling, I'll also flip the wooden bridges upside down for greater aesthetic appearance. People have had some questions about the spawns. If you've tried a game on the map, you might be able to figure out why I put the spawns higher up off the ground. The major trouble about conquest is spawn-camping, which usually only occurs if one team is a lot worse than the other. By making the first territory as large as it is, and making the spawns off the ground in a higher area, spawn camping has been reduced. Thanks for the feedback guys, I'm working on a v2 already!
Dude, U left the teleporter near the middle of the map in the map xD I recommend deleting it. anyone who has it can simply remove it, just thought i'd let you know Oh, and DAM GOOD JOB. no complaints. Disappearing grenades is fixable; only use stickies >_<. some crazy artwork merges. this compared to Village? I would Never say they were made by the same guy. seems like completely different styles.
I am floored with amazement, Can't wait to take a close look. I was a bit worried at first because it seemed that in the first picture you broke linear conquest setup but now that I have put all your pictures together in my mind it is ... as i said a second ago. Amazing, clearly original and worth the download alone for that sake. Conquest isn't to difficult for game play I imagine you pulled if off. See you in customs games.
Thank you everyone! I really did work hard at this, and more maps are coming. As with the teleporter, you might want to check that. The teleporter inside the map only spawns in asymetric games, which means that it won't spawn in conquest. Also, a V2 is coming soon, with a few more merges that will help with those pesky vanishing grenades.
Im sorry but the bars arent workin for me. For conquest you should be constantly by pushing forward but if those are there then it slows you down. Good map but those i just dont like.
Have you downloaded the map shockwave? There are 3 different entrances to pass through the bars, and I've never had them get in the way except for a couple of grenade ricochets, and that's expected. Just an update: v2 is coming along nicely, and should be released within 2 weeks, if school doesn't get in the way.
Well from what i can tell the layout looks great. My only and i mean only concern is that a lot of things are very unclean and looked and ran bumpy. Maybe its just me. I dont know. but i like the layout. sortave i can really tell too much cause theres not many pictures but i get the point. anyways it was good and fun to play but it was bumpy.