Sandbox Riverbed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Eftz3, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. Eftz3

    Eftz3 Forerunner

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    Hello all forgers, and Welcome to my third map post at The idea for this map came around when I saw one of my friends remakes of Blood Drive, from Gears of War 2. Which wasn't to good, so I decided to recreate my own. My first remake was one of River, which I map on Foundry, however due to the limited size the map was unproportional. So I decided to make a V2 on Sandbox and here it is.

    This small mountain base used to protect and filter a river, which was vital to the COGs water supply. But in recent years, this base has been attacked by Locust multiple times. Now this base is deserted, with very little provisions. The water has long stopped flowing, and the Gears and Locusts are fighting over the base.

    Map Info
    For Those of you who don't know River is a Multiplayer Map from Gears of War 2. This map will be entered into the Foriegn Treasures Contest, however it hasn't been tested due to the lack of time. The Maps asthetics are also lacking since I hit the OLN. This map was originally called River V2, but there was no water in either one so I changed the name to Riverbed. This map is symmetrical, the weapons on either side of the map are different, to represent the difference between the Locust and Gears factions. This map works best when players have 200% Gravity to make them heavier, but it does support normal Halo 3 Gravity (its easy to get out of the map though). The vehicles on the map are not to be used, and are just there for aesthetics.

    4 Spike Grenades = 4 Grenades that are in the small buildings near the starting spawn in Gears 2
    2 Assualt Rifles = The Ammo Boxes that are behind the vehicles nearest the River
    2 Magnums = The Pistols that spawn between the 2 APCs in Gears 2
    1 Rocket Laucher = The Boomshot that spawns underneath the bridge
    1 Missle Pod = The Mortar that spawns on top of the bridge
    1 Sniper Rifle = The Longshot sniper rifle which is on the map on the odd round in Gears 2, but is always on the map on the COGs side.
    1 Spartan Laser = The Torgue Bow is on the even rounds in Gears 2, but on this map it is on the Locusts side

    Alright I have kept you waiting long enough. Heres some pics

    [​IMG]The Sniper Spawn- the Gears Sniper Tower

    [​IMG]The Magnum Spawn

    [​IMG]The Assualt Rifle Spawn

    [​IMG]The Spike Grenade spawn on the Locust Side- each side has 2 Grenades

    [​IMG]The Missle Pod Spawn

    [​IMG]The Rocket Launcher Spawn

    And thats all the Screenshots I could get.

    Riverbed Supports: Slayer, King of the Hill, One Bomb Assault, and Infection.

    Download Link: : Halo 3 File Details

    Custom Gametypes: : Halo 3 File Details Horde : Halo 3 File Details
    Warzone : Halo 3 File Details
  2. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Is it just me or does it look like this map could be easily broken?

    I'll be back soon with a full review.
  3. Eftz3

    Eftz3 Forerunner

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    Yes, this map is easily broken. I built it with the idea people would play on it with lot of wieght on
  4. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Then you should either tell us that, or release a gametype to go with the map. You can't expect us to know things we were never told.

    Also, I understand you hit the OLN, but in what way does that stop you from Ghost Merging everything neatly?

  5. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    1. Easily breakable
    2. Very little cover
    3. Seems a lot smaller than the GOW map (I haven't played it very much, so I might be wrong)
    4. Sniper and laser and way too powerful because of long LOS
    5. Bridge is really bumpy

    Easy Fixes:

    1. Add higher walls, you still have around $400 left)
    2. Add more, higher cover to areas like the 'river'. ( Use your budget of the fullest)
    3. I would've recommended making it bigger, seeing as you can get across the entire map VERY quickly.
    4. These may become more balanced if you add more cover (mentioned in 2). The laser was kind of a pain to use because of how long it takes to charge, people can get up in your personal space quickly, and now one really used the warthogs (it was a pain to even get them down into the 'river'.
    5. Get rid of the ledges sticking out of the middle part of the bridge. Maybe try using stone bridges instead.



    I didn't try the GOW gametypes you made because personally, I don't like GOW. With the regular gametypes, the map was really difficult to enjoy ( because of what I mentioned above). I almost had two killing frenzies going with the sniper and rocket launcher, because it was easy to cover a majority of the spawns from one of the high vantage points (I also broke out of the map a couplr of times and sat up there. I would highly recommend adding better cover and getting rid of the laser. Also if one team controls the power weapons, the warthog turrets can become easily campable.


    The details on this map could be improved. Since it's a GOW remake, you should try to make it feel like thats what your playing. Gameplay alone isn't supposed to pick up that tab. Try adding one of the FX, myabe it would give the map a darker, more depressing GOW feel. But maybe not, thats just a suggestion. This is another reason why I think this map would have been better suited for the crypt. Your walls were actually really smooth and well constructed. So were the floors (except for the bridge like I mentioned earlier). I thought rocket spawn looked pretty unique and is one of the few areas on the map I think is perfect as-is.


    After looking at a few pictures online (Googles the ****) I could indentify the layout of the original map, and it does seem similar to yours (although i'm still pretty sure the original is bigger). The map for the most part was executed very well. I'm not sure how much cover the river actually has, but to make it more suitable with Halo more cover should be added.


    A decent remake that has a lot of potential with a few changes. If you take a good look at the list of problems I made, and do your best to correct them, then you just may have have some solid gameplay going down here.

    1/4, let me know if you're going to make a v2.
    He did give a gametype to go with it, it's right by the DL?
  6. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    After playing the map, heres my review.

    Spawns were not placed very well. Seems like they were kind of random.
    The map can easily be broken with out any trouble. That has to be fixed ASAP!
    The map in some parts is a little sloppy, like on the main bridge.
    The vechicles surve no purpose considreign there isn't a lot of room to drive around.
    Even the vechicles that are there are too many to have.
    Weapon Spawns are too close together creatign an armory type feeling.
    Lastly, deffintily not enough cover.

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