Rising Sun by Nibs Rising Sun is a truly unique 4v4 map that offers great gameplay along with an interesting design. This level focuses on multiple level combat. Knowing all routes to each floor will be key in obtaining power weapons and ultimately defeating your foe(s). Weapon List: Rockets x1 Sniper x1 Sword x1 DMR x6 Needle Rifle x2 Needler x2 Spiker x2 Plasma Grenades x2 Overshield x1 Since I know for a fact no one will read that very brief write up, I'm going to skip the rest of my 50,000 character description and just show you guys the pictures. There you have it, a wonderful map that I probably should've posted months ago is finally done. SO DOWNLOAD IT ALREADY.
You're just now posting this? I could have sworn I'd already seen it on FH Deja vu Anyway, we played on this map. You know I enjoy it. Especially crazy king and oddball. Slayer was pretty good too. A great 2v2 or 3v3 map =) edit: did you ever fix the drops from the third to the second level?
Queued... just because I'm nice Nah, I did enjoy flag on this map. Never played anything other, and I always got killed a lot on this map... not sure why because I PWN you at everything else.........*****
Got a few games on this before its release. I really enjoyed this map. It could have used a few more railings to determine the definitive playspace, but other than that, it was well designed. This is one of the few times I've seen the jump pad used correctly, and the map has an excellent weapon set. Congrats Nibby.
I've played soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many games on this. I think I've played every version of it while it was being built and every tweak. The flow of the map definitely evolves around moving upward and whoever is controlling the top generally does the best in slayer games. Objective games promote movement much better on this and I liked KOTH the best. And nibs, out of the many games played on this you couldn't get together a gameplay vid lol.
I agree 100% with you Pac. I guess I should've mentioned that any objective game will play better/be more fun than slayer. Games like KOtH promote great use of all levels of the map and eliminate constant movement to the top floor.
Yep this map is defintely unique. I really like what you did with the small circular ramps. It looks like a very creative and fun map to play on. How long did it take you to make?
I remember playing on an earlier version of this map, and I definitely agree with pacmonster on that one. KOTH is great if you want to spread the map out a bit instead of slayer being based on certain areas. Fun map.
I agree with the feedback. THis is a VERY FUN map to play on. Nice work. I am also making a map called "Second Sun" which is kindof ironic considering the name of ur map but w/e