I came up with this idea to make a grave yard infection map from a post I was writing to someone about theme maps. This map whipped together with just a few test games and about 8 hours of forging. It should support 8 to 16 players without any problem, but 13 is probably the sweet spot. Given the selection of entries for the infection category of the Forgetacular contest, I think I may have the infection grand prize winner here. YouTube - Rising Dead Promo About the map design choices: The color blind effect was used to make for an "oldies horror flick" feeling to the game. I wanted to use this section of the forge world because it provides natural boundaries, open fields (that people were telling me to fill with head stones) and a highly defensible position in the far back where the Zombies spawn. I added a church so that people can use the roof as a defensive position as well. Finally, I have to admit. I positioned the church without any thought of the rock to its side, which is very useful for getting up on the roof. I was simply trying not to encroach on the grave yard, while at the same time finding somewhat decent flat area to build on the side. But it worked out really great. I put the crypt on the right side (from the human spawn ridge) to play as a one way entry defensive position. But in practice, it never really seems to work out that well unless you have a few good shooters inside. The game type provides for more movement speed for the zombies and for sprint rather than evade for the zombies. I think (and others agree) it plays better that way. Players look for natural hiding places in the rocks all along the edges of the play area. I didn't do anything to help out - they just naturally exist. I did have to add several kill zones to keep people from falling into the valley and living while the out of bounds timer ticks away.
Cool map! This looks really good on infected! And suits the old time black and white colouring! The crosses and tomb stones look good too and the church building! Nice video! Gives a good Idea how it plays and looks! Good luck in the contest!!!