Ring of Fire V2 Download map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Download game type: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details I made this map wanting it to be simple, yet fun mini game. After putting Ring of Fire 1 on forge hub i received multiple request to make the map an actual ring. So i did just that, the map is now a ring, and it is much larger than before. This way it gives the Zombie more of a challenge to incinerate the humans, as well as giving the humans a chance to survive 2 minutes. The actual game itself is the same as the first one. The infected person must throw fire bombs at the humans, receiving 1 point for each kill they get. The humans must simply dodge the firebombs and try to survive for 2 minutes. If the Zombie kills all of the humans, then they win, and if the humans live for 2 minutes they win. The only difference in the game type is i changed it so that the last man standing receives 2 points.This map can be played with with any amount of people. Have fun and and enjoy my map. Screenshots Overview of map Action Shot Zombie in its spawn Note: the zombie can not jump to the ring, their gravity is too high. Just an average day as a human Comment, give feedback And rate on Bungie.net Please!
Looks really cool but cant the humans just jump off over and over again to avoid the firebombs? not sure how it would work but 1 life would make it work. overall looks pretty fun, it much different from just throwing firebombs from the skybubble to the floor.
This looks like a cross between my Grenade Tag map and my Sky Bubble CRAQ map. It looks really fun and im very jealous i didnt make it. I have only one suggestion, and that is to make more platforms with teleporters between them then the humans are surrounded. Well done 4/5.
technnnnicaly its not a true ring, but that doesnt matter. I love the map though, the lighting is really cool and it sounds fun
I like the look of it. Loved how you used the large wooden bridge to border around the flooring. Haven't really seen that done before. Great job on it.
Love the changes to this map. My friends love it, so they'll be glad to see the v2. The ring now looks more ring-ish, and the new shape can add more to the gameplay. Nice job.
I am extremely happy you took all of the advice given and you greatly improved this map and made is very nicely and it looks very playable and also you explained the gametype well i give it a 4.5/5 nicely done - Tyberious
I love how V2 is less popular than V1 xD Anyway, it's much better than before. The circle really gives the humans a chance, and the improved box throwing area thingy seems to have made everyone stop talking about "OMG YOU CANZ HAZ JUMP TOO MAP!!" 4/5 (I still don't think it's THAT fun, but it's pretty awesome =P)
Looks great, really fun thing to do when you have some free time. Although i can imagine lots of my friends cheating if i played. Cant the zombie just jump down killing everone within seconds?
I like that u made it a ring. The border is a nice touch that gives the map a cleaner feeling. And i think u accomplished making a simple yet fun map nice job man. 4.5/5
Great map im sorry to say it but ive seen this alot before what i see is that you jsut made it look nicer 3/5
WAIIIIIT. Didn't I do something like this already? (SIGNATURE) ...Oh well, this was posted first. (Mine was made first in December 2008, but hey, this is a fresh little spin.) Problem is is that the humans can jump off the ledge and there's nothing restricting the zombie from jumping out into the ring.
OK i have said multiple times that the zombie can not get to the ring, and if they try to then they would just fall to their death, because their gravity is very high. And what is wrong with the humans being able to jump off the ring? It just adds more of a challenge.
Hey ninja just put the fact that the zombie can't make the jump in the main post so people stop questioning that feature of the game.... Problem solved
Ya i just did that thanks Hippo, but i can still only hope that people actually read what is in the thread rather than just looking at the screen shots, it gets pretty annoying when people criticize me when its about something that is clearly stated in the description, but thanks again.