Ring Galaxy gametype:http://http://www.bungie.net/fanclub/175711/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21918786 map:http://http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21392105&viewreplies=true hello and welcome to my map ring galaxy. creators:a deadguineapig & x DREAM 76 x map:foundry map name:ring galaxy map features: opening starting gate first of its start on a racetrack completely double wide track almost completely bordered in anti cheat goal map description:the map starts out in the corner of foundry. it has a opening starting gate which opens or slides open after 10 seconds. from there you go on a runway until the opposite corner of foundry. from there you make a left turn and follow anohter runway to the right side of the map where the side rooms are.there you will make a shield door assisted 180 degree turn to another runway. you follow that runway until a nother shield door turn to the right.this is where the real action begins. you ride up a ramp to where a double box banked turn awaits you.(its a wallride). you go down the other side of it down a little ramp then up another ramp to a very well made turn with walls and wall corners. then after the wall corner turn you see another fence wall/box wallride. you go down that fence wallride and down another ramp where shield doors assist you down another big ramp and where the goal point is(its anti cheatable and when you go through the teleoprters they take you to jail which is after the 1st 180 degree sheild door turn. then after that downward ramp you hit a shiekld door that shoots you back to the start. pics links:the start runway 1 runway 2/sheild door turn runway 3/another pic of shield door turn double box banked turn wall turn fence wall banked turn ending ramp back 2 gate cheaters box overview
Wow the walls look very clean! Good job i think that you can use more interlocknig / clipping tho i think it would be more better 4/5 for this map Fantabulous llolol
I have to disagree with the post above where it says you can use more interlocking. I think you have done a substantial amount of interlocking however some bits look rough but its not a problem nice job ill be downloading.
I agree more inter locking and if someone wants to cheat all they have to do is jump over some thigs and they'll still win
ok ild do that now,also the map is very smooth and fast paced...trust me they can't cheat on foot because of the teleporters blocking the goal and the grav lift so you can;t go back and cheat....and it is on a ramp downward so you can't get back up to it anyway
It looks good, but your post could be a little neater, have all of the pictures embedded, and have some capital letters.
If it is a racetrack, what's with the spiker? Looks good otherwise, although it wouldn't hurt to embed all the pictures.
Im not a big fan of race maps. However on that note this one looks quite well put together. Good job on the interlocking as well as the banked turn. However try to embed all of your pics next time. My maps Solace stage Brainstorming-Forging-Testing-Editing-Finished/Posted Royal stage Brainstorming-Forging-Testing-Editing-Finished/Posted
Hey Nick, I'm back finally from my 2 MONTH BAN!!! Lol. Now I know not to take anyone's advice or the ForgeHub admins will *** and take me down for SUMTHIN I DIDN"T DO!!!!!
If you feel that it's absolutely necessary for all the posts in the thread to remain the same, you should ask Nitrous, Shock, TDF, or DQ about it, not me. Keep in mind that it's very difficult. It would be easier for them if you just copy and pasted your old thread. Edit: The heck? I didn't post here. Wrong forum
when I get on my comp outer(I'm only iPod touch)god this thing change every word u say,ne ways i will embed the screens and the spiked there is because this is designed for halotracks and battle tracks(battle tracks is traditional racng just with killing)you should join the group on bungie.net its really cool,you can post your. Map and get a review for it. It is a cool group led by x DREAM 76 x.there are 4 ranks in battle tracks,head map maker(me),tester,(x dream 76 x), map maker(if you post your map and get over a 76 score on it,and road warrior(new comers).we also have big races all the time and have over 100 members and amazing tracks!come see!I WILL PUT A LINK IN THE THREAD WHEN I GET ON MY. cOMPUTER working on post in a little
**ATTENTION Please do not double-post (Posting 2 times in a ROW)! It violates ForgeHub's posting rules and can disrupt the forums. Thanks, Moose
i dont have a good fell of what you do on the map as for obsatcles because there arent enough pictures