Since I have been told that posting individual threads is against the rules, I will just keep a gallery and update when I release a new sig. Here goes: (Newest to Oldest)
GIMP. I can't use PS, because it won't install. Oh well, I am used to GIMP and I think it is a little better.
Not bad; you're definitely on the right track. I'd say the most impressive aspect is your text. It's not great, but it's often the most difficult thing to do for new designers. It's certainly not your biggest concern. You should focus on increasing the depth and making your signatures a little less busy.
Thanks, I try to make the text blend, while still readable. And yeah, I have been working on simplifying my sigs. Yeah, I really like it too. I will probably be opening a sig shop soon, just ask for one like it and you can have it.
Hey IRifle, Your sigs are realy good. Could you post up a tutorial on how you make them please. Thanks >.<
This one is absolutely perfect! Text Placement, effects, colors. Amazing job on that one! All the others are average...
Thanks! I don't know how to make tuts yet, but when I do learn I could make a tut on how to make one of my sigs. Yeah, I really like that one too, as well as my current one. Thanks for the comments.
The new one is not very good. You're trying way too hard. The renders are oversharpened and overcontrasted, and the signature would be much better with no text.