Post any ridiculous/chaotic accidents or random happenings that have happened to you in forge. For me, this JUST happened, I was making a resistance switch elevator, and I placed some bridges near the top of the shaft to stop the elevator at a set height... Well, the bridges ended up sending me to a splattery death repeatedly, causing a pileup of red corpses on the floor of the elevator shaft.
countless times i make a part of a map, thought i save and quit, end up having to repeat it. In game.. i put some fusion coils representing a "death pit", only to when finished accidently blow it all up.
I was building Pit Omega Beta. I had the main level laid out in a test map, started from scratch in a new area, and hit the round limit without saving once. I did that twice. [I Lose]
Pretty much get a great idea for a map, then start making it, then delete something holding everything up, like a base, and have to start all over again and make sure not to delete anything. i fail at this a lot
Yeah, you can't say you've failed until you've lost an almost complete map, with every piece of scenery interlocked, and then did it again.
Well I'm sure this happens to everybody, but these are the two worst of mine. I spent about 3-4 hours merging double walls with the bay doors at foundry on my friends map, the map ended up sucking serious balls. I spent about 6 hours merging on my own map, and for the sake of my logic hadn't saved in about 2 hours. BOOM! power goes out. This the most annoying though, when your trying to delete something and it deletes whats under it. I was float interlocking a wall with a box or something and kept clicking Y to delete it, and since it was like right there i couldn't see what was happening, so I ended up deleting everything underneath it. So i had to spend like 4 hours rebuilding everything else.
I accidentally left the party open, I come back from my delicious sandwhich, EVERYTHING deleted, then, I mean to end game, I SAVED CHANGES....
I was working on my first serious try at a map before Gesuido called Warthog Inc., and I made the entire building setup. Then I save it. I come back home and load it up, but it says, 'Save as New Map'. So I'm like, 'fine, whatever', and save it as that. I work on it for about a week off-and-on, and then, a bit later, I decide to go back to it. When I'm loading up the map, I saw the Warthog Inc. 001, and I was like, "huh, what's that". And I delete it. MFB
Trying to float/merge an object only to have it freak out and fly towards me, splattering me. I probably should have made the editor invincible. Or, this isn't really a screw up, but...discovering that you can build a bridge out towards the pelican on Rat's Nest, and that once your character reaches a certain point on the bridge, they will spontaneously die.
Actually, I think making my second map right now is considered a screw up, because I've been working on it for about 4 months now, and I already know it's going to suck. >_<
Living in an old house where all power for your electronics and the refrigerator must be routed from one plug (and circuit) because its the only one that works since your landlord is too busy driving around his mercedes loving his life as a slumlord and taking forever to make repairs... Yeah, that sucks because every time the circuit breaker is tripped by the amount of power I'm using is always during a forge session. I have lost hours and hours of work because of this. Slum-lords = Epic Fail. --dc
I always 'end game' instead of 'start new round'. But only after hours of work you know.... "GAME OVER"....WORST FEELING EVER....
Dude, you might have hit the round limit. It automatically ends your game after you hit the 32nd round.
on the map im currently working on multiple times when geo merging double boxs into the ground they just suddenly get sucked into the ground and disappear. i never could get them to go in past half ways or so so i ended up having to alter my whole design
I laughed at that Brute, sorry. If its any consolation, was the sandwich truly delicious? ___________________________ When I was making Shloopy, I had accidentaly left the party open and some random joined, someone who wasnt my friend and I dont ever remember playing him. Anyway, he started running around and then a minute later started deletting everything. I was so thankful I saved before he joined, but after almosteverything was deleted, I spawned a sniper and killed the bastard, from there it turned into a 1v1 forge match. I've learnt from others' (and my own) mistakes, the other day one of my friends joined the game, I saved instantly. Well he and his guest ran around for a few minutes and then went into forge mode and started grabbing all of the interlocked/geo-merged boxes and walls etc and started throwing them across the map. If I hadnt saved I would've dived through the tv and punched him. After that, it turned into a match, 1v2. I pwned them, I ended the game when I got to 50, the final score was like 50-14, my way. ___________________________ Last night, I was working on my new project, I had made a few small areas and saved, but I just started construction on a large strucure. It looked great. The interlocking on it was almost perfect, I went through about 30 rounds making it. I then place a couple wall doubles as support for next part of it I was doing. I bring up the start menu, also this was like 3 am, and I pressing without noticing, I believe I'm about to start a new round and I here "Game Over". NOOOOOOOO. OMG, I was so frustrated, I punched my leg really hard. Then I was frustrated about 2 things, my leg hurt and I'd lost like 3 hours of work.
1) im holding somthing i acidently bought press Y and delte what is behind it, and i've almost finished a map, press a and destroy a beautifully interlocked peice