Really creative! Ive never seen a mech that can actually do things like this one can. Keep it up! And by the way Stealth VVolf, just go to the front page of the thread, and right under the pictures and description is a link that you can click to download it. You have to have your account set up to do it though (so make sure you have that!)
Nice job, it looks a little flimsy, and its complicated to explaine to people you play with. Also, you should offer a bit more cover, someting only eccesible by the mechs machine gun and your teamates.
Thanks for all the compliments. I appreciate the feedback, but I'm a little bit confused by your post. Like what part is flimsy? Are you talking about aesthetics, the firing mechanisms, or the gameplay? And the cover thing, I have four deployable covers in the attacker base set with a 20 second respawn time, or did you mean that the defenders need more defense?
Yet another great Avalanche map from Batty. This also looks awesome, dude! Well-thought out design and gameplay and innovative idea. The aesthetics aint bad either, the missle cluster is perfect. Is it a losing battle for the mech though, I mean it seems really hard to win if you're the mech. Anyway, great job once again, and keep it up.
Really good idea, you know me I love anything with buttons and mechanics awesome, idea downloading and recommending
Same with me, I love when new maps like this come out. It inspires new ideas that people might not have thought of before. I will download this map when I get halo 3, it looks awesome.
Absolutely AMAZING map. I can't wait to see what you'll make in the future. Your entire Trifecta deserves Featured status, and this map's the only one left that hasn't gotten it.
I really appreciate all the compliments regarding my map. I honestly wasn't sure how well this would be received, so I definitely appreciate the positive feedback. Thanks a lot you guys. I'm glad you picked up on that. I wanted this map to be an example of the interesting things that can be done with vehicles, specifically, an example of how we can use them to activate switches. I actually think that there's a lot of cool stuff that could be done with vehicles, we just need to totally flip around how we see them. Like, for example, literally flip over a Wraith and what have you got? A giant movable platform. Or put a bridge under a Ghost, bridges over it's little wings, then suspend the whole thing in the air and you've got the beginning of a monorail. Drop a crate on a Hornet's wing and bam! catapult!