Up until now, I have only successfully tested those methods in a koh variant I made where the ball/object is the hill. I am curious to see these methods in action when I can finally play around with MT Ricochet. I will keep you posted, as the map i've forged for MT Ricochet relies heavily on the koh methods you just disproved regarding this particular gtype. (The game flow idea is as follows: Two teams of gooses/hogs compete to push 3active/8total neutral balls into a dual team pit to score. The spawn cycling would allow the 3 active forgeballs to remain forever until scored {Gonna have to change it since you said this would not work in this gtype}, if my methods end up working. After scoring the actives reset location and the remaining 5/8 would see 3/5 become active, and so on, until it cycles through again. {This is all based on my koh gtype that allowed overlapping hills, and combined with the spawn cycling up to 16balls and 5hills simultaneously.) Since what you say is likely true beyond a doubt, I will have to rethink the scoring/spawning if I run out of luck keeping the balls active for more than the new time of 20s for MT. This would likely result in an automatic ball loading system, though I would rather have players go searching for them in the map.
Yeah. It's alright. I like how it plays on Haven though apparently there are too few spawn points and it's easy to spawn trap (same mistake they made in Lightning Flag... sigh). Honestly though I think I prefer ricochet to be played minigame- or sports-style rather than like a traditional objective game; passing and throwing the ball into goals does bad things to otherwise-sound competitive maps.
Just played several games of Ricochet on Haven and Adrift. 1. First thing that bothered me is the sheer amount of waypoints on my screen. It's hard to focus when there's 2 goals, a ball, teammates waypoints and ordnance markers everywhere. 2. The throwing mechanic hinders this gametype more than it helps. There's not much reason to pursue and retain map control when your enemies can simply throw the ball into your goal, they can even do so accidentally. Players seem to rather take the chances to toss the ball for less points than to use teamwork, get 3 or 4 down and make a push. 3. Spawn trapping on Haven is bad. 4. Ball carrier movement speed should be slow or the same as base player speed. 5. Use current map variants found in other playlists! That should be a no brainer....
Sorry, i got distracted when we discovered that an old game type worked better in Ricochet than it did in Halo 3 or Reach. You can score goals while holding the ball as a Mongoose passenger, but that's not what i discovered. Anyway, i've taken so long to respond that i'm sure this has already been discovered by other forgers. Items like Teleporters, Safe/Kill zones and Player Trait Zones have traditionally been off limits to spawn delay and respawn timers. These items when labeled as Forge Goals and Forge Zones will despawn and sometimes respawn according to the respawn timers (or not respawn when set to Never). I have just started testing this but i plan to be assembling a list of items which vanish, then do (or do not) reappear when set as goals in Multi-team Ricochet. So far i have this to report. I used a Mongoose as the 'ball' for this test and set the Spawn Sequence to 2 on the goals. Teleporters, Sender, Receiver and 2-Way, act as normal goals and can be used without scoring points. They despawn when scored and respawn according to their individual timer. If you set a Receiver node as the goal and drive through the Sender node no one else can pass through until the Receiver node respawns. If you set several Sender nodes as goals, and have only one matching Receiver node, each Sender node will allow only one player to pass through since it vanishes after someone scores in it. Safe/Soft Safe/Soft Kill zones will despawn and never respawn after scoring in them. They light up as red and green hills. Have not yet tested Hard Kill zone. Player Trait Zones act as normal goals since scoring immediately cancels out the zone's effect. There might be other ways to use this but i can't think of any right now. I will continue testing using other items as the goals and ball (AAs???), and also try using RICO_FORGEZONE as the label.
If you set the Mongoose as the ball AND as the goal, would the world implode? No, but your waypoint changes from Escort to Deliver. More stuff. Loadout Cameras, items in the structure menu, and Gravity Volumes will despawn and never respawn after scoring in them. Killballs and Special FX despawn and respawn after scoring in them. Spawn points accept the settings for using them as goals but the goal marker does not show in game. AAs can be used as balls and will score but you will carry a very annoying waypoint that bobbles around in your HUD. The ball or goal does not attach to your deployed Hologram. Have not yet tested using AAs as goals or as neutral hills. Weapons set as neutral balls are best to use since they score yet have no waypoint. Dropped weapons will retain their original status as a ball or goal. Grenades can act as goals but not as balls. You can pick them up but they lose their effect when you carry them as long as they are not set to vanish after scoring. I was hoping you could score with a tossed grenade but sadly you can't. HOE LEE CRAP you can label a Jetpack (or other AA) as a goal and turn yourself into a flying hill. Players can score by going into your hill. You do not explode when they score. Here's a strange one. If you set one weapon as a ball and one as a goal. Then kill the player holding the goal weapon while within it's hill (hill does not display until after death) . The players corpse and weapon will explode and give you a point. The goal weapon will then respawn in it's original position according to its timer. I believe you can set one weapon as a hill and another as a goal and will score points as long as you are holding both weapons and the scoring settings allow for it.
Thanks for the breakdown. Some of that I knew from fiddling around, but not all. The teleporter thing is very cool, I'm sure someone will make good use of that. In all, I think this gametype offers us even more than Insane did. It's cool that you can combine aspects of assault and haloball, and some new ideas as well. I've had several new gametype ideas leap to mind already.
Finally finished my mini-game map. I was able to implement most of my techniques, including the 16+ ball count, and single dual-team scoring pit. There were quite a few compromises made , but the game itself is still extremely fun. Just a bit more testing to go, but here are some pictures to showcase the game. Note: 4 rounds- Alternating between offense/defense, i.e. blue team tries to score 1st round while red team tries to block all player vehicles from balls and balls from the pit, and teams switch roles at the next round. There 8(4golf/4soccer) balls minimum, 16 active balls maximum (16+, but the extras will disappear randomly), and a wide range explosion on point gain. Players have limited plasma pistols, turret access, and can hi-jack. Here are some pics: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/p...?details=0e2bf992-f0ff-4b41-8558-48b0d49416dc http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/p...?details=0e2bf992-f0ff-4b41-8558-48b0d49416dc http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/p...?details=90f2c84f-ce7a-4913-a601-b4d9fd7c3d8a
Another noteworthy fact about ricochet multi-team: if you set the gametype's waypoint for ball carriers to fixed, then all forgeballs get a waypoint. But if you set it to blip, the blip effect only applies to ricochet ball carriers; forgeballs don't get a waypoint at all. This was useful to me in a game I just made where I want some visibility of ball carriers, but am also using forgeballs (a lot of them) and didn't want waypoints on every last one. Also, if you set a hill marker to both forgegoal and forgeball, it will act like a goal at the start of the round (deleting any forgeballs in its radius), then delete itself. Not sure this would be useful to anyone but I thought I'd mention it. I have a really interesting minigame (actually almost more of a straight objective game) concept in mind now, but it's going to take a lot of planning in the map design to make it work. More on this later. I won't give away the idea yet, but it's a fun one.
You can make colourful hills light up in Ricochet. Set the hills to Team 3 through Team 8 and label as RICO_FORGEGOAL using the multi-team variant. As long as there are no teams 3 through 8 present in the game the hills will light up without a waypoint.
I read the CA cheat sheet on the new game type. They said that a player cannot spawn outside the Respawn Zone. I was able to make it happen, but I found that the new game type alters the weight of the Respawn Zone significantly. I don't know how much yet. But what is most significant about this point is that it proves that the Respawn Zone weight CAN be modified by the game type and not exclusively through the canvas' properties. The same Respawn Zone on Forge Island has two game types assigned to it, one for RICO respawn and one for CTF respawn. Depending upon which game type is in use, the Respawn Zone exhibits different weight. Seeing this is the case, they should have done the same with CTF long ago to fix the cross map spawning. Now it makes me wonder if the enemy proximity influencer radii could be changed from the game type as well. If so, then a PRO slayer GT could be made for really solid spawning on tiny maps.
omgomgomgomgomg great news! Hopefully somebody figures out what exactly needs to be changed to alter respawn zone weights..
So I started playing this Ricochet game and i really enjoy it. It is fast moving, it is stationary objective, you can throw it to your team mates like in odd ball, it is really cool game. So I started forging with the Ricochet and the MT Ricochet game types. I started with the MT variant. I used the labels for the standard Ricochet and none of the objects spawned onto the map. Not the zones, hoops, or ball spawns. If I use the MT Ricochet GT, does it support RvB or only MultiTeam? In other words, it doesn't seem to work with Red and Blue team goals and I didn't setup a neutral zone. CertainAffinity says, "Just ensure there’s at least one Neutral goal on the map. Multiple teams can now play in Multi-Team Ricochet, and the normal Team goals are hidden while Neutral goals are available." I thought they were saying this for more than 2 teams, but now I am wondering if they mean you simply cannot use MT Rico for 2 teams like standard Rico. I forged with MT Rico and loaded the game into customs with standard Rico, and it wouldn't let me - said the map didn't support the game variant. Okay, I can buy that... Nokyard, if you can confirm the intent behind MT Rico, I would appreciate it.
That's weird, MrGreen. I forged a ricochet map before the multi-team variant was out, with the intent of using it as a pseudo-multi-team map (basically red and blue play, other teams observe, but otherwise it's just standard ricochet). And it works fine with just red/blue, and also with other teams. Here's how I have it set up: - 3 rico ball spawns (capture plates) with no team designation; no forgeballs. - 1 goal for red team, 1 goal for blue team, both set to endzones (I don't have any hoops or forge goals on the map, and no neutral scoring zones). - spawn points specifically for red team and blue team, inside stacked spawn zones for both teams. - neutral spawn points for other teams in a different area. I believe that's it, and it works with both regular and multi-team ricochet. You're welcome to check it out in my fileshare for comparison. It's saved as Thrust Stadium and there's a matching gametype made from multi-team ricochet. (Mods - please do not take this for advertising, that is absolutely not the intent. Thanks.)
For those who haven't already figured it out, the respawn timer is broken on Multi-Team Ricochet and setting it to 3 seconds has no effect. You respawn in 7 seconds, or instantly if you press X. This is similar to the behaviour of many of the game variants at launch. Most of them were repaired on the Matchmaking versions so a fix will likely come when a Multi-Team variant hits MM. Regular Ricochet is fine.
Can someone please mod Ricochet and take out all of Jeff Steitzer screaming "GOOOOOOAL"? I'd be able to take the game a little bit more seriously if someone did.