
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Tex, Sep 7, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

    5 vote(s)
  2. Okay

    4 vote(s)
  3. Average

    8 vote(s)
  4. Good

    11 vote(s)
  5. Great

    54 vote(s)
  1. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    How? How did i know this was going to get featured? I looked at this and said this is going to get featured. Anyways very nice map the aesthetics are perfect on this map and i love the ribcage affect, but what was the other map he made that got featured?
  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    I somehow knew that if you made a V3 that it would get featured. The others had bad gameplay and good interlocking, but this one is perfect on everything!!!!!
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    This is great, Yellow. I loved what I saw in the forgethrough I did this morning. I'm glad you decided to overhaul this thing and it obviously plays the better for it.

    I doubt you'll do another update, but one cool thing I thought of when I was traversing the tunnels was to open this fence wall up for asymmetric games
    and simultaneously close off the tunnel next to it. It would allow for another easier, but potentially deadlier way back with the flag. Could be something you could incorporate into your next map, since it's really nothing that warrants an update. I'm a sucker for maps that change up a little depending on the game. Congratulations on the feature, sir.
  4. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I remember Yellow posting this V3 only a few days ago. This was a quick feature... I'm glad he considered other peoples ideas when releasing newer maps this time. It really paid off! Well I've already written a lengthy-ish comment on this maps original post so there's not much else to say. 5/5
  5. XED360X

    XED360X Ancient
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    This is a great looking map 9/10 i would download it but i dont have enough room

    its a big map that looks amazing!!!

    Goodluck with next map
    Bottlecap likes this.
  6. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    i love it and it was one of the best maps, and you clearly put so much work into it with all your versions. either way, this deserves a feature, and congratulations yellow.
  7. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    Review for Ribcage by The Yellow

    Ribcage is a asymmetrical base map with some very interesting aesthetics and some very fun and exciting gameplay. The spawn system is set up very well for balanced gameplay. The map consists of power weapons such as the fuel rod gun and the beam rifle. Ribcage also adds some more great gameplay with adding the ghost in to the map for some different style of play.

    Aesthetics 5/5
    Ribcage has some very impressive aesthetics. From its curved double box middle that looks like ribs (hence the name) to the different style bases. The map had some interesting and very impressive aesthetics that could even make bungie say wow. One of my favorite things about the aesthetics were the tunnel systems. These added some very cool features for the aesthetics as also as the gameplay. The different style bases really aided the aesthetics like i said early. Because this gave you that asymmetrical enviorment and also a different change of scenery. Another feature that really stood out to me was the fact that you could go from the middle of the map right to the tunnel system with the "ribs" being just far a part. Also at the base that has the plasma turret, this had some very interesting aesthetics with the doors being geomerged so beautifly with the wall to be made for steps. Even though this has been used a lot with other maps and was not that big of a aesthetic feature. Sometimes even the little things can stand out as a very clean and well forged part of the map. So for the aesthetics, it was a no-brainer. 5/5

    Map Quality 4.98/5
    Through out the map, all i saw was beautiful interlocking as well as some very impressive geomerging. Take the "ribcage" for example. very well interlocked and people just stop right there and admired the spectaular cleanness and interlocking right before them. The only problem i had with the map quality was the interlocked window panel going to the tunnel at the plasma turret base. I know your probably saying everybody is a critic but i do want to point this one out to you. The window panel at this base is a little higher that the one at the other base. This allow the other base to have a better access at the tunnel and a easier time. Other than that pretty good. 4.98/5

    Weapon Layout 5/5
    The weapon layout is pretty good. I like how you used more less used weapons than most people would. You used the beam rifle, the fuel rod gun, and the hammer as the power weapons as most people would use the sniper, the rocket launcher, and the shotgun instead of that. I like this because it adds some verity in the weapon choice. Very good job on this section. 5/5

    Gameplay 5/5
    Very balanced and fun is all i can say. The tunnels on both sides of the map really made team work together and tactical. The only thing i do not agree with is the ghost. I really dont think that was a good choice. The ghost really did a good job balancing the map out. The other team had a plasma turret so adding a ghost really help the map. The cool things was you didn't really use all of foundry yet the map seemed like it was huge. I think one thing that made it that way was the ribs. Absoulutly great idea and that was the thing i think really made it stand out from other maps. Congrats 5/5

    Overall 4.99/5
    -Very impressive aesthetics
    -Great weapon choice
    -Perfect Interlocking and geomerging
    -Very balanced and fun gameplay

    Final Notes
    This one is going in my top ten maps. Great job dude on the map and hope to see more impressive creations.

    PS Congrats on the premium.
    Bottlecap likes this.
  8. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    OH YEAH!!! Who called it?!?! I was one of the 1st who said this was good enough to definatly get featured! Well anyway this is one of my favorite maps of all time. It's right up there with Pallet Parade. One of the most definat deserving maps of past week features. 5/5

    Keep Forging!
  9. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    This map is awesome! There is perfect weapon balance, and even cover throughout the map. Everything is placed perfectly. There is one problem however. I broke the map. Yep. I broke it. All I had to do was take a fusion coil and jump it up on top of the two double boxes placed vertically on top of each other. Then, jump onto the ledge on the wall (map geometry). Walk, on the ledge, toward the wall with the dumpsters at the top, jump, and your out.

    This map defiantly deserved to be featured. 5/5
    Bottlecap likes this.
  10. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    Cool i just posted like a day ago "hope it gets featured" then, BAM! Featured lol good job Yellow
    Bottlecap likes this.
  11. The king psycho

    The king psycho Ancient
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    if anything i wish there were a few more pics, but other wise that the interlocking looks great. but i might be a little too open so 4/5 good work
    Bottlecap likes this.
  12. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    I don't know what it is, this map never really "shown" to me. It was just kind of a meh map. There is a cool features but the gameplay just isn't my type.
  13. zombiphobia

    zombiphobia Ancient
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    omg r u kidding? i was working on a map just like this not as big though
  14. Lunches 11

    Lunches 11 Ancient
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    Beautiful interlocking man, game play is really is fantastic too. It is obvious that you put a lot of thought into this. Just by the way, I absolutely adore the way you used the Covie sniper. The placement was perfect, it seems like nobody uses that anymore. Covie snipes ftw! u got my dl
  15. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    "The Yellow has done it again, with another map of epic win."

    Don't you think the Featured section could be used to help promote maps from lesser-known people. Everyone knows the veterans make great maps, why don't you put the spotlight on some lesser-knowns?

    *Waits to get modded and repped and warned for speaking out*
  16. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i wish i had some money...

    because if i did i would give you all of it for creating something so freakin pro.
    the "ribcage" is so accurately geo-merged, it mind-bottling.
    the layout is so well thought out. i loved playing on this map.
    well done, [pat on the back], well done
  17. cB fROm aK

    cB fROm aK Ancient
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    Its a very well made map... I just don't like it. So therefore, I stamp it with a 2/5. Sorry.
  18. SilentStrike082

    SilentStrike082 Ancient
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    Looks like an amazing map. I like the look of the ribs and the interlocking is superb. Way to go!
  19. Mr. McHaggis

    Mr. McHaggis Ancient
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    well unless yellow very recently fixed them. i have at least two ways to get out of this map but ill have to check to see if they're still there. if they are they are really easy to do during game play although they are not very obvious.

    Edit: ... im sorry yellow but the ways out of the map are still there you do need the gravity hammer to do both of them but i was able to do them both my first try with no problem at all.

    if you want to know where they are send me a friend request or a game invite sometime
    GT= Mr Mchaggis1
    #39 Mr. McHaggis, Sep 11, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2008
  20. CriminaL

    CriminaL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    edited* (sorry)

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