
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Bottlecap, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Ribcage v3

    Made by The Yellow

    I'm sure that by now many or most of you
    looking at this thread have already
    downloaded or at least played Ribcage. And you
    are probably wondering two things, firstly,
    I'm not downloaded another version because it just wasn't fun.
    And secondly, "wtf? it doesn't say v3..".
    Well, that is because this isn't really just an update.
    This map's geometry has been altered so greatly it plays
    almost completely differently, and dare I say enjoyable.
    I would highly reccomend that all of you who have
    a previous form of Ribcage to delete it and download
    this. I have worked hard to change Ribcage
    for the better and made it look better
    than ever. I hope you guys like what I've done...

    Probably the biggest change I made is that now
    players are able to go behind
    and between the ribs, Yup.
    Yes I painfully pulled some geometry out
    and made it so that it is all opened up,
    the "meat" of the ribs as rusty calls it
    is not available as another route.
    Additionally, both side passages have undergone
    extensive make-overs. The one with the jumps
    has been split into two and made much more
    diverse and playable. And the window panel
    passage despite however cool it may
    have looked is no more. Now it is a curved
    passage with fence walls and an opening to
    a little foyer beneath it. And by the way,
    the dumpster look with the bridges in there
    is all thanks to my good friend St4plgun.

    Gametype Support and Party Size

    2-4 players

    Team Games
    2-6 players

    Weapons placed on the map

    4x Spikers
    4x Plasma Rifles
    4x Battle Rifles
    3x Carbines
    1x Plasma Pistol
    1x Needler
    1x Beam Rifle
    1x Hammer
    1x Fuel Rod Gun
    1x Plasma Turret (Asymetric)

    Equipment placed on the map

    2x Bubble Shield (Symetric)
    1x Power Drain

    Vehicles on the map

    A Ghost


    The Screenshots

















    Thanks to everyone again who helped.
    Thanks to rusty eagle for being the
    one who got me to make these changes.
    And thanks to St4plgun for always
    lending a helping hand or idea.
    #1 Bottlecap, Sep 3, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Yellow man, i have to tell you, this version looks a million times better.
    Ill download and test and get back to you.

    PS. Yellow is way hard to read for us with oldschool.
  3. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    Woah, looks like you did some major improvements to Ribcage! I'l download and look through it. seems too play great for big parties, amirite? Excellent forging! Slanted geomelds and wall geomelds are a pain in the ass, so i know what you went through. The side tunnels will help giving the map a little more depth, giving the players the ability to sneak around the enemies. I will download right away :)
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Honestly, this map is just amazing. I love the placement of certain objects to create smooth gameplay and the different compartments and hallways are amazing. From the pics, this is for sure a 5/5, but I'm going to download. This looks like a map that stays on my list for a looong time.
  5. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    man, that is an insanely good forged map, almost every thing is interlocked or geo-merge (except for the moveable objects), this gives me the feeling if bungie made another map for us, this is above forging, great job 10+.
    Bottlecap likes this.
  6. mitona

    mitona Ancient
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    i was going to say. wait woa ribcage hasnt this been done before, but i see that hopefully this one isn't as bad as the other ones. ::downloading::
  7. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    Ribcage by The Yellow

    Ribcage is an Asymetric map containing a small base and a lightly covered atatcking start area. The two end of the map are connected the the structure from which the map bears its name and around the edge of the Ribcage there are passages to allow for flanking. The map is set up for Slayer, CTF, Oddball and Assault. Those were the gametypes i checked, in my opinion the more popular competitive gametypes.

    The Ribcage itself is a really nice center point for the map. It is nicely constructed and gives the level much of its height. Its an imposing structure but at the same time a very open one allowing clear line of sight between each end of the map. The interlocking and geo-merging in the level is all to a high standard; the map is also very smooth and easy to run around on.

    Player movement around the map is largely very free. If you want to run somewhere you can though some of the more desirable weapons can only be reached by jumping. There are a few jumps around the level which require a crouch jump in order to make them, defender entrance to where the sniper is located being the obvious example. Personally i do not it helps gameplay if a player is focred to crouch jump to get to certain areas. Crouch jumping should be used to provide optional shortcuts rather than main modes of entry. On a similar note if you face towards defender base, on the left hand side The Yellow has used two window panels as the method of getting up. The first requires a crouch jump to even reach it but also i think they are both too narrow. This just makes the jumping harder than it needs to be. I have checked and seen that you still have some more window panel inside the box it is interlocked with so you can pull them out more.

    The weapon placement is a nice mix of both long and short range weapons. Expect to see the fight through the Ribcage being dominated by the BR's and Carbines and the dual weilders keeping to the sides of the map. Personally i hate the Fuel Rod Gun and think its massively overpowered in any form, im sure however that many people will disagree with me on that point though. Luckily you have limited the Fuel Rod Gun to just one clip so im not so concerned about it being the dominate weapon.

    One thing i did not agree with on your map was that the Plasma Turret was Asymetrical yet the Ghost was set to spawn in all gametypes. In Team gametypes that are not 1 Flag or 1 Bomb i feel that players spawning in the Attcking area will have a big advantage at the start of the game. It certainly will put the Defender team on the back foot from the start if the Ghost is well used.

    There are plenty of Spawn points on the map and they are nicely spread around so Spawn Camping is unlikely to be an issue on this map which is alsways a plus point.

    Its a very good looking map that is pretty well balanced with the exception of the Ghost in my opinion. Its a shame i did not play the original Ribcage as i am unable to compare the two really so this is all purely based on the new version.

    I have to be honest i thought that the map looked, from your pictures, like it would be a tug of war match down the middle through the ribcage but after downloading and seeing it i am pleasantly surprised and no longer think that will be the case. It is a really nicely built map and a good example of some of the more advanced forge techniques. Definately worth a download.

    I SeNTiNeL I
  8. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
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    When I first saw the post I was wondering what was going on, seeing as I had seen the original Ribcage post a while back. And while I didn't download the first version, I will definitely download this one for one simple reason:


    All too often I see members make very small changes to their maps, make a version 2, then alter it again for a version 3, so on and so forth. Never have I seen the majority of a map pulled apart, rebuilt, and reposted - especially considering the map's insane geomerging and geometry. That's an excruciatingly painful thing to do (I would know, my current map I'm working on has seen numerous things changed), and I give you props (and +rep) for putting that much time and effort into it. Awesome job.
    Bottlecap likes this.
  9. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Wow, I have to say that this version looks a lot better. By the way I'll write up a comment on this as I didn't before. The main ribcage is a really effective way of creating a structure for a map. Can you walk up the ribs by any chance?

    I like the fact that you have actually left a bit of the map open. It leaves space for the ghost to zoom around and could host some great BR battles. Saying that, there is still plenty of cover in vital places so you don't get mullered!

    The side alleys/hallways are a nice touch because if a team are in trouble they could use that route as an alternative or in FFA its a cool hiding place :D

    I like the option of choosing a fuel rod gun as an alternative to a rocket launcher because it's more colourful. I like to see a variety different of weapons maps include. I like the aesthetic touches the man cannons make too.

    Definately a 5/5 from me, great map and I'm glad you took the time to improve it. + REP FOR YOU!

    EDIT: Dam it! I SeNTiNeL I's review got there first and owns mine!
    #9 Hazza, Sep 3, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2008
    Bottlecap and I SeNTiNeL I like this.
  10. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
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    Anytime yellow im always glad to help forgers do the best they possibly can...
    Anyways along with your map i already have it downloaded and i really thought it was fun after the month or so you were working on it .. it was nice to share ideas and thoughts and inspecially because we knew this map would make great progress im glad to see this on forgehub and now its time for other forgers to say what they think.. btw im hunting anyone down who gives this map a bad rating... 5/5 Yellow Good Job!
    Bottlecap likes this.
  11. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    This is a beautiful map, the aesthetics are awesome and it has an interesting layout. I love the double boxes that are merged on angles. They are smooth and beautiful. Another great map by the yellow.
    Bottlecap likes this.
  12. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Honestly, I'm in aw of this version, of course the layout is extremely unique with awesome aesthenics and near perfect interlocking. we should has collaboration map =) haha, back to your map, I'm downloading it right now, hopefully I can get you a full review of it in a couple days, since I am kinda busy these days. But from what i can SEE this map is worthy of a 5/5
    Bottlecap likes this.
  13. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Wow.. Just wow.. This is the kind of stuff i expect to see featured on the front page. Amazing it's wonderful looking and playable at the same time. Your interlocking and geomerging must have taken hours to complete to this precision. Wonderful map, 5/5.

    Keep Forging!
    Bottlecap likes this.
  14. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    To me I actually liked the other better. A few of these changes I like but.....Some of them I don't. Like the second passage in the back. 4/5 compared to other but 5/5 overallyzzz.
    Bottlecap likes this.
  15. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    Dang man, this is pretty sweet, it looks feature worthy. It looks like you put a lot of time into it because of the geomerging at those angles and stuff. The layout is phenomenal and it looks nicely interlocked. Thanks for having a ton of pictures, that is what makes me want to download 5/5.
    Bottlecap likes this.
  16. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Holy crap. Give this man a cookie. Now. This has got to be the most true and valuable feedback I've recieved on Ribcage. On the previous version people mostly jsut gave good feedback about the looks, but not gameplay. But now I'm glad that so far people are enjoying this map as a whole much much more than before. Yes, I and Probably wouldn't have been able to go back and alter this map like this if it hadn't all been for rusty eagle and St4plgun, who on FH is darkrival. Wow guys, thanks alot, it makes me feel so much better about all the time I put inot going back and changing this map.
  17. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Yellow personally i wouldnt of made a new thread for this version of your map and edited the old one but thats just me

    This new one seems much better with the use of space is better and the ribcage layout is better with them not being just straight. The weapon layout seems a little weird with a ghost hammer beam rifle and a fuelrod gun cuz its seems to powerful to have all those weapons on the map and all of them are completely blocked off from one another. The ghost semms to be kinda hard to move with all the stuff in the way and with the hammer and fuel rod gun can destroy it very easily

    Did you reinforce the dumpsters by the power drain cuz if not then you can jack them up with the ghost and get behind them. Did you get rid of stuff like gauss warthogs and wraiths that are outside the map because ghosts can lauch people under certain curcumstances and they could potentially get outside the map and use them.

    I'll report back if i can break out of this map again it seems much more difficult but not impossible.
    Bottlecap likes this.
  18. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Your new version is so sxy. Wow, please people download, the geo merging is amazing, the game play is off the charts. the original looked like it had the quality to be featured but this, it's just incredible. New walkways, cover, spawns, the sides of the ribcage are completely rethought, and rethought well! good job again yellow.
    Sage and Bottlecap like this.
  19. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Yes yes and .... hrm? I'm not quite sure I understand if the sides of the Ribcage were re-done. But umm more of really the "meat" between the Ribs was removed and allowed for access.
  20. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I loved the old version and the new version looks a million times better. Great work, make more maps!!
    Bottlecap likes this.

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