Well, personally I don't think you are getting enough praise for this map. I cant download for a month so I will go off pictures and I have to say, this map looks aesthetically amazing. The ribcage is awesome and clean and well-geomerged. All the tele-lights show that you put a lot of time into detail. I love both bases and the different routes from base to base. Everything down to the last little detail is clean and smooth. The interlocked weapon holders are another feature that I love. Just another indicator that you put a ton of time into this map. Aesthetically and archeticturally this is probably the best map I have ever seen in that sense. All the buildings and what not are equal to or above that ove TDH's Paragon. Great job, this will be dl'd by me as soon as my box gets back.
Ahh its sweet to see this map be done.It was fun watching you build this map and messing around on it.I love the ribcage/forerunner feel to it good job 5/5.
This map looks awesome, every single part of it! I think the favorite part must be the big things in the middle. Epic win. I will download this! 5/5
i have been waiting for your next release for some time, and i was excited that its finally come. after a pretty large review, i feel the map kinda revolves around the "ribs". they are massively impressive to me... but thats pretty much it. i didnt like much else. it fits. it works. but it didnt wow me. that out of the way, i like the fact that you spend eons making sure everything is perfectly straight and even. it really REALLY looks more professional. The maps gameplay looks like itd be okay, but im concerned since you've included not a single picture of gameplay. I will naturally end up seeing for myself, but i liked your last effort significantly more. EDIT: i forgot to add that im a really anti-fan of the fuel rod cannon. its horribly unbalanced, and can really hinder gameplay. i hope this is not the case.
wow, nice map dude. very original thought with the ribcage and all and well constructed! looks like it'll give some nice gameplay keep up the good work. 5/5 downloaded.
I remeber you showing this to me about 3 days ago and Im happy to see it done it came out great. The ribcage is very original and looks great. The two side tunnels are cool too I never seen tunnels like them before. I havent played on it yet but i will. Overall the map is great and very original 5/5.
Wow! whats been said x10! Brilliant, 5/5, DL! A very professional build. But im downloading it because of this: Spikers at the top = insta win!
Really nice looking map with the mounted weapons on walls, interlocked telepoters to make it look like arrows, probaly one of the most professional symmetric/asymetric i've seen so far.
Here the vid of me getting out i lost the first cuz i played to many games but i made a new even easier way out that doesnt take all of your sheilds Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
WOW! this map is very great, nice interlocking and Very nice imagination (but i dont know how anybody would would think of a rib cage ,nice everything, . Overall 4.50/5 Edit: My bad for saying people could get out, but when i tried it i realized you cant so sorry =(
Glad to see you finally posted it . I cant belive its finally finished. congratulations 5/5 It was fun to play on it .
I saw this last night but I didn't feel like typing so I didn't... The way you aranged this map is genius and your geoglitching is some of the best I have ever seen. The whole Ribcage dezign looks just completely sweet I have never seen anything like it! Wasn't Flux supposed to be your last map though? What inspired you to make this one? Out of all your maps I believe (from the pics) that this is my favorate. Sorry but the aestletics and origonality are better than Jedwali... great job I MUST give this a 5/5 it is definately deserved
Ok everyone.... answers... Firstly, to Bl00D F1R3... you are supposed to spawn at the opposite base in CTF once the other team has invaded your base. Two reasons, to avoid getting spawn killed in your base when the attacker's are trying to take the flag back. And two, to make it harder for the attackers to bring the flag back. If you think about it, it really does make sense. Otherwise it would be far too asy to stop the attacker's once they have your flag. Additonally, the spawns aren't perfect but it is still fun and playable, I mean take Paragon for example. Although it is great, do you ever remember the defender's always spawning in that back area so they would get killed and the attacker's sometimes could make off with the flag? Well, the idea of Ribcage's opposing base spawns is to reverse that negative. Also, I had played with the reccomended party size for slayer and they were as good as they could get... so... ya. All 2v2 maps have some crap spawns, Urban, Paragon among others. As for Sage, its fine you got out but I don't really care. It isn't something that anyone else has done in testing and no one would really care to because it has almost no purpose. it just makes people more useless and vulnerable. But, also, I didn't extend that fence box up higher because I had nothing else to do so. I could go back and use dumpsters... it wouldn't look that bad... Oh, but since you said you "guessed" about getting out with a non-exsistent Brute Shot, for now you have lost all credibility in this thread. Thanks you all though for your feedback. Bl00D, I hope that answers some questions you had about the spawns, I may go back this weekend and see if there is anything else I can do. But, Bl00D F1R3, you can go ahead and review Ribcage because if the reviewers fairly review it with other great doubles maps in mind and their spawns then it should be fine. And... for whoever said "wasn't Flux supposed to be my last map, and where did you get your inspiration for this map?". Well, where did you get the idea that was my last map? But, this map, or at least the Ribcage was based off of Halo 2's Burial Mounds and the "Ribcage" structure there. But, all in all I'm glad that aside from a few hiccups you all are enjoying Ribcage.
It wasn't only that, its the fact we were spawning beside people on a regular bases. I would be bringing the flag and someone would spawn directly in front of me. We all agreed this could be easily fixxed. Were giving you a chance to, before we do a review hub review.
Lol, a chance. Lol, I could just say no... ha. No no I'll go look tonight... oh... wait.... most of what I said stil applies but I just realized I joined Alby's game after the final testing but I didn't save changes so the spawn area isn't where it is supposed to be.. oh well, did you think the spawns were good in slayer though? I thought they were...
They wern't bad, I had a few bad spawns but for the most part they were fine. Defiantly fix those spawn areas though
If you look at the attackers base rear pic on the right on the other side of the fence boxes there is a GUASS warthog which is basically destroys anyone that gets close to the base and with the turret sheild makes it practically impossible to kill the person so yeah it does make a difference and makes you almost invulnerable