Does anybody know the RGB values of FH Darks Grey? I tried to blend my signature in with the background but I failed...
Instead of trying to add the site color to your sig, make a sig with a transparent background and save it as a .png. Then, your sig will blend in with any color, not just the FH Dark grey. If you really want the FH Dark grey, though, just press the "Prnt Scrn" key on your keyboard while FH is the only visible window, open up PS or Gimp, and press Ctrl+V. That will paste a copy of the image of FH on your screen, which you can use to extract the RGB values for any part of the site.
Ctrl+FN+Print screen. Go into photoshop and paste it, or in GIMP. Then look it up with the dropper. I would do it for you, but im to lazy
Thanks, I didnt think about PNGs. And I added a drop shadow for you old-schoolers. And its got a link in it.