This image is the texture for a crossbow mod i have pulled together for Fallout New Vegas. I have just set up all of the software to have this BMP set as the texture for the weapon. You can't change any of the proprtions, so don't resize it or move anything around, and make sure you save what you do as BMP too. If you fancy re-doing the camo, then feel free. If anyone comes up with some good designs, then i may add them into the mod. If not then ciao.
kk this isn't that simple. there's a lot of shading and lighting on the texture and if i make new camo over it ill cover that up because its not a psd. and im not good enough to re create what the original artist did.... all i can really do is change the color or make minor adjustments or decals for this. maybe another person can do this but sorry i can't help you. why is there a bullet for a crossbow btw?
It doesnt necessarily matter if you affect other textures, it's just this texture was made by a lead art director in a game franchise, so i highly doubt you could improve upon it.