As some of you have seen, I know a bit about animating 3D objects in 3DS Max. I was bored and threw together this little title animation utilizing 3DS Max, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects. Make sure to watch in HQ. What do ya'll thing?
I looks really nice, but I would change some things. I think the plasma grenade should be a 3D version until it hits the head and then it would turn into a cartoon. I also dislike the font, maybe you should look around a little harder to find a more suitable font.
the spartan looked amazing, halo 2 HD quality. it'd have bben nice to have had some sounds though. whats "rewind"? is it a machinima or something?
Rewind is my brothers alias on Xbox Live. And camofo, I wasn't too concerned with the font. I was orininally just going to do the 3d work and the emblem part, the text came after and I wasn't planning on using it for anything so I just chose a font.