
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Theartofhalo2, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    Rebel Forces attacked a UNSC Compound inside a refugee camp. The base was well defended and fought fiercely against the assault.

    This is designed to be an 8v8 map. The lowest you can go is 5v5 then it just does not work out very well, so you need a big party to play with.

    Attackers must attack the base and seize the flag within the walls of the structure. The Defenders must guard the flag and ensure the base is defended. Currently the only functioning game type is 1 flag, though V2 will be updated to work for 1 Bomb Assault and Team Slayer.

    About the Map:
    Firstly i want to state that this is not the finished map, it is simply a map i made to get opinions from on what could be done to improve for a final version that will come out after i have read over all of the comments and updated it based on opinions, so please try and leave some constructive criticism.

    The Attackers
    The Attackers start out in one of the wings on foundry, there they have a warthog and the town directly in front of them. Their objective is to storm the base and seize the flag. I recommend having three guys take the warthog through the town and attacking the side of the base, and 3 other guys should storm the front gate and the remaining two should jump up on the barrels and jump onto the rampart and provide covering fire for their team mates. If you do manage to get the flag, you might be lucky enough to steal the defenders warthog or if its not there i would climb onto the ramparts and jump down into the town, running out through the front gate is going to put you right at the defenders flag away spawn, so escaping through the main gate is a stupid idea lol. Fight back through the town and return the flag to your base for a point. if you travel to the corner to the right of your spawn deep in the town, you will find a sniper rifle on an elevated platform, getting this sniper is key for picking off defenders and ensuring they cannot utilize the bases defenses to their full extent.

    The Defenders
    Defend the flag and do not let the attackers take it, for the best defense i recommend putting a sniper up in your sniper tower (their is a Sniper rifle up there) a gunner on the turret to slow down the attackers advance and a BR guy in the BR bunker to pick off anybody who may attempt to rush the base. Three of your other guys should rush out into the town attempting to hit the attackers hard and inflicting casualties, keep the attackers out of the base at all costs. Three other guys should hang inside near the main gate, they should be able to attack anybody who comes into the base through the main or side gates. **IF** you are clearly dominating the attackers as it is, i would recommend that two of these guys then leave the fortress and take the warthog and have some fun slaughtering attackers with your turret, but watch out for the defenders warthog, it could end your little joy ride. Overall if the attackers push you into the base, keep your guys on the wall and use Battle rifles to drop them like fly's and keep a fair amount of guys on the ground to make sure the attackers dont advance or get good positions behind cover. Team work is key, everybody just spreading out and trying to kill attackers will lead to epic failure.


    Front view of the main wall and Gate.


    Sniper Tower on Top and Battle Rifle bunker on bottom.

    Stairs leading too sniper tower and to the BR bunker

    Hallway inside the wall, BR bunker can be seen at far end.

    Town View 1

    Town View 2

    The Structure that the Flag is housed inside, this is behind the wall of the base.

    Please leave some constructive criticism so i can make a v2 that is greatly improved, please don't leave the pointless ratings and basic statements that do not help, its feed back and ideas for improvement that i am looking for!!!


    DL Link:
  2. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    not a very unique idea, theres always maps with giant bunker/walls
    besides that-its very open, lots of space left over.
  3. ace3496

    ace3496 Ancient
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    i think it is great and btw i need a bunker canvas map if any1 can make 1 for me?
  4. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    pretty sick. great interlocking job on the sniper bunker thing. 4/5 cuz it would be bettr if it had some more cover on the town side.
  5. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    wow, nobody has actually said anything about what he could change in his v2, so let me do the word: could use some interlocking at some points, try merging you're walls and use more objects for terrain or maybe more structures to fill the map.

    2.I see that the corners of foundry have not been used and only the very back parts are abandoned, try using the back too, maybe support bases are a good idea (extra bases with a small amount of cover and just a few weapons) to fill the map and prevent Spawn trapping or camping.

    3.Show us where the spawn points are so we can help with that to so it doesn't affect the gameplay.

    4.Have a neater Overall merging, forging and interlocking rating to make the map looks nice, walk clean and preform well at gameplay.

    That should help you to make a v2 and if you've got any difficulties then don't be shy to share and PM me, 'The Persister'.
  6. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    ehh not very creative. and also i dont think im gonna dl because i just dont like these types of maps with the bunker or wall in between. but interlocking is good so yeah!!
  7. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    Yeah, its sorta un-original, but it was forged pretty cool!

    I think the warthog really spices things up a lil, gives the defenders that "0 5H17 4 X4r7h06!!!" feeling...

    4/5, i like it =D
  8. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Nothing is really wrong with this map, but there is... I can't put my finger on it.
    Anyway, looks like you have experienced interlocking skillz, as well as layout design.

    Overall, I can rate this map a 3/5.

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