Ok, seeing as I’m extremely bored and have nothing to do I’m going to review Left 4 Dead 2 for the sake of it. If i can be assed i may do more reviewing at another point. In the run up to Valve's Left 4 Dead 2 many people felt that the game was being released to soon after the first (less than a year). As a result of this a fair few people started to throw there toys out of the pram and refused to buy it. Well i have two words for them "grow up". Sure i agree that it is a very quick release but I’m sure that Valve would have put allot of work into there new release. Sadly i must say that the amount of time spent on the game shows in some areas. The new ideas that we see such as some daylight seems give players a break from non-stop darkness but it lowers the intensity of the horrific blood and gore. Compared to left 4 dead, which was a dark hellhole of blood, and gore it simply does not compare. These daylight scenes also allow the player to see much more clearly and get a good look at what there on about instead of being scarred and terrified of what’s out there. Also the exsposer to light doesn't make us as scarred because in darkness we cannot see what’s out there, this is true in real life (basic psychology). Moving on the new special infected are a welcomed addition to the already versatile range of zombies but some of them like the spitter i find a bit boring and not very useful online. Also the jockey's cross hair doesn't go red like the hunters when it has a clear shot at a survivor so you may find your self jumping around all over the place trying to leap onto a survivor. However i personally feel that the charger is a very good zombie to play as online because you can use him to separate a survivor from the pack and pummel them into the ground whilst the horde help to finish the survivor of. Also Valve has decided to have the levels changes depending on how you play, these changes involve the movement of weapons and ammo through out the levels. This is done in an attempt to create more of a challenge for more experienced players and to lengthen the game. Which is a nice detail. Unfortunately they have also added allot of more witches into the game and for lack of a better word they are now idiots, this morning i stood about half a meter in front of a witches and repeatedly flashed my light on and off in front of here face and yet she refused to get up or fight me. I feel Valve have mad up for this by adding new uncommon infected, these are normal infected that will be better suited to there environment or have special capabilities. An example of this is the police in riot gear, which have extra health because of what they are wearing. Speaking of new things i am impressed by some of the new weapons that have been added to the game such as the combat shotgun and the very fun but kind of over powering grenade launcher. On top of the new guns we also have melee weapons which i personally love, there’s nothing quite so satisfying as chopping zombies to bit with a chainsaw as they charge head on towards you. Meanwhile the new character as far as im concerned are in no way as good as the original 4 from the first game. Sure its kind of fun to hear coach sing a little at the end of one campaign and to hear Ellis comment on the tunnel of love having a "cousins only day", which is kind of unusual but the characters them selves have no substance and don't interest me. Valve have brought back verses mode to my relief but it has been made less intense by removing the previous way of ending each campaign by having you hold your ground for as long as you can until your rescue arrives. Instead they have now replaced these scenarios with things such as challenges and other things an example off which would be where you have to run around a mall trying to fuel up a racecar in which to make your escape. Also they have introduced a new mode "scavenge". Scavenge is a mode where you take it in turns for a chosen number of rounds being survivors and infected, as survivors you have to run around collecting gas cans to fuels a motor, each gas can you collect will give you one point with a maximum of 16 points a round. Meanwhile the infected will do there best to stop you collecting gas cans so you can't gain points. Last of all we have been introduced to "realism mode". Realism mode is a more hardcore way of playing campaign, which gives a player a real chance to prove their skill. Now one of my favourite things about this game is the achievement. They are an impressively compiled list of achievents. The list offers everything comedy, a test of skill, game progression and online. Only an extremely patient and highly skilled gamer will be able to achieve the 1000. Over all i would say Left 4 Dead 2 is a good game but it will get boring after a certain period of time and you can tell Valve should of spent allot more time working on it and finishing off those little details that turn a game from good to amazing. Sadly i would give Left 4 Dead 2 a 80/100. Could you please leave your comments about my review.
Great review first off. I bought left 4 dead 2 but not the first. In left 4 dead 2 I like how they added more weapons and creative ones. I mean a guitar? Thats pretty beast. I also like how they added little things that are funny and are life like if there were a zombie apocalapse. Im going to give L4D2 a 85/100. It would have been really nice if you could more than 2 players though. :[
It would be much better if you would separate your review into multiple paragraphs with each one containing one idea. Trust me, I bet several other people would not like to read this since it is "a wall of text".
Wall of text or not, still a good review. I agree on most points but what i felt would bring L4D and L4D2 together is more of a background info. I mean when it comes to zombies, iv seen all the movies. The good ones, the bad ones, the stupid funny ones. L4D series how ever doesn't even come close to a movie, its fast paced and throws you into the apocalypse. I feel a more thought out story line maybe with flashbacks to help you find out more about the characters would help. Still a great game, but as stated it will get old at one point or another. Also a word for the wise, when playing online, make sure you have people who know how to be infected. A bunch of retards playing as infected gets old, survivors will always win if you don't work together.