Sandbox Reverie

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ShotRangE, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. ShotRangE

    ShotRangE Ancient
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    made by ShotRangE

    Hey guys this is my second map that i've made and the first symmetrical map that I've created. shikastar helped me put down spawns and stuff, he also gave me the idea for this map. This is my first time using OLN. I tried my best to make everything smooth.

    Team Slayer, Multi Flag, King of the Hill, Oddball
    (I would recommend having BRs at start)

    Battle Rifle x4
    Carbine x2
    Mauler x2
    Brute Shot x2
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Camo x1
    Plasmas x4
    Grenade x4



    Another Overview

    View From Below


    Teleporter - EDIT: The teleporter sends you to the other side of the map. You can see it in the picture. Also the teleporter is a two-way node, and there are only two teleporters on the map.

    Brute Shot
    (Notice drophole thingy)



    Rocket Spawn

    Camo Spawn


    Sniper Spawn

    Action Shots



    Destroying Recon!

    Download Reverie
    Please comment ;)
    #1 ShotRangE, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  2. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
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    Nice map guy ! From seeing the picture I can say that I love the triple bridge and the base, but why don't you interlock red and blue sphere and put it above the bridge ? It might be more aesthetic.
    Downloading now and comment more later !
  3. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    Wow dude, looks amazing.

    The arched bridge and the lower grass way is particularly what caught my interest.
    I see you u said u tried to make it as smooth as possible and it looks like u achieved it.
    I have a few questions/concerns tho.
    one thing i have seen from the pictures is the lack of railings. The top and lower arches must be famous for people falling off along with some of the sides.

    I do see the risk vs reward going with the jumping for the camo, but u may want to include some sort of ramp that goes up there. I'm not saying it doesn't work, but some people might find this an issue. A general rule is to have players be able to walk to all the accessible areas. but i have yet to test so, simply giving feedback from pics right now.
    finally, i looked and looked but wasn't clear to me where the teleporters sent the player.

    but so far def Q'd for download
  4. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Wow. First off, this map looks great. I really love the bridge. Nice use of T Walls. Second, it looks very aesthetically pleasing. I see no problems with the map, and it looks perfect. Great job.
  5. ShotRangE

    ShotRangE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow thanks for the feedback. I love that everyone likes my bridge, it seems to catch attention ;) Anyways while I was testing the map it seems that barely anyone fell off on the bridge because it was wide. I would've added railings but I probably don't even have enough money :( I don't think it is a risk jumping over for camo but I do respect your opinion. The teleporter makes you go to the other side, look at the picture with the teleporter. I figured that people would know where the teleporter teleports to since it is a symmetrical map. I should've said that. I'll go and edit it.
  6. Fiatluxmortem94

    Fiatluxmortem94 Ancient
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    I really like several aspects of this map especially, and together it makes one hell of an appealing picture!

    The bridge is fabulous looking, I can't wait to play it just so I can walk and play all over that beast.

    The walling and walkways are really quite good; they really add to the look of this map.

    Really great job!

  7. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    i wanna know how you went about making that bridge curved so smoothly and in a good arch also the inside areas seem complex which i think is good to have a close quarter area like that also where do the teleporters go
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Woah dude, great use of wall,ts! I never would have seen a double arch coming in a map anytime soon. This looks more pimp than narrows. You did a good job with ledging off the map and I saw that you addressed the concern of the non existant ledges on the bridge. That's cool bro, I figured the same thing and if the results in testing turned out to be the truth, then it's perfect as is. Total download, can't wait to try it out for size.

    I love grass.

    EDIT: Played on it a few hours back. It's so amazing. If I could, I would further expand my fileshare and post this up along with my other favs =D
    #8 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  9. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    How you managed to forge such a smooth bridge is beyond me. Looks like a great layout. Only thing I would change is how you have forced people to jump to get camo, I believe the floor should be connected there as it breaks the flow in gameplay.
  10. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Alright, out of the three maps I did download and played, this one was the only one we played more than one game on. lol. But yeah, I think this is a pretty good map you've got here. There are however a few things that I think can make it even better. For starters the camo area... instead of making a player have to jump to it I think it'd be better to have it as a solid walk way. Another thing, it may have just been me, but the teleporters weren't being used often. I think making them a bit more obvious would be better. I'll look into it for you and see how you can do so, if you like.

    The weapons, IMO are pretty balanced. Though, in some cases it would turn into a spam grenades-fest. I think it'd be best to remove the frag grenades you have on the map to reduce said spam and that's about all I can think of.

    The spawns, for KotH at least, were a bit iffy. In a few cases we'd spawn right in front of the center hill and get gunned down by the team that was in it. For king's spawns it may be a good idea to make it less likely to spawn near a hill or in it. I'll look into the spawns a bit and see if I can help you to the best of my ability.
  11. BRANKE0H

    BRANKE0H Ancient
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    yes finnally the good maps are coming to the community maps forums! increadable map, it looks very astheticaly pleasing and the bridge is the coolest part. I rated 5/5 for this map great job and keep on forging.
  12. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    I did a quick forgethrough, and I was impressed at the style and some of the thoughts you had going into the map. Good weapons overall, plenty of movement. One thing I may suggest though is to add a walkway from the middle of the top arched bridge to the area on the side, and if your budget or the OLN couldn't swing that, a mancannon may work as well. There is only one way for players to move on this map, which is back and forth. Although a lot of maps have that, I always thought some horizontal movement helped gameplay.
    #12 Mr Garfunkle, Aug 27, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2009
  13. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Nice post, ShotRangE. The map is actually one of the best maps you'll play in the skybubble. The gameplay is very smooth and fun, and the map is probably the most interesting maps you'll ever see. 9/10 (for being a tiny bit asymetrical). A definate dl for you all.
  14. x Paralyze x

    x Paralyze x Ancient
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    Heh, the bridge in pic 3 looks a lot like a watch to me lol. Anyway, onto the review. From what i can see from the pictures the map is very well forged/interlocked, and has some interesting features (the bridge) and I think it has potential. However, some of the areas seem like they would be camped far too often, like the in-between space of the two bridges. Over all, just based off of the pics I'd give it a 4.5/5, but I'll have to DL and see it for myself for a more accurate rating.
  15. xHBxSOLO

    xHBxSOLO Ancient
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    this is a great work of art I like T-shape arch bridge /tunnel underpass arch thingy looks wonderful i wish i could play it but you got my download sorry for posting without downloading first but this map looks so good in the pics someone let me know if i can post based off pics or not so i dont do it again
  16. ShotRangE

    ShotRangE Ancient
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    Haha lol, thanks for commenting, at first the map was just a bridge and my friend shikastar gave me the idea of making another bridge under it, and i thought that would be sick and original and i guess i achieved it ;D

    Yup, the bridge attracts people for some reason :) I made it so that you have to jump over to camo so that it would be like a little obstacle. Everything seems to be smooth already so thats why I added it. When I tested the map nobody fell on that part because there was no crouch jumping involved.

    Well first of, I really respect your opinion and I try really listen to people like you who give constructive criticism because it'll help me if I make another map. Anyways, I made it so that you have to jump over to camo so that it would be a little obstacle. I really don't think that it is a risk jumping over there. All you need to know is where the jump button is :) For the teleporters, I don't really care if people don't use it alot as long as you can get to their base when all hope is lost. There are only 4 grenades on the map I don't think it would be much of a spam war, but they are on 10sec respawn so I really don't know.

    Yes, yes everyone loves the bridge <3. Btw, what do you mean by in-between the space of the two bridges? If you mean where gravity hammer spawns then ohhhhhh.... people wouldn't camp there. its probably a terrible camping spot you should try it xD
  17. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    Looks like a great build! This is another map to add to the download que!
    Unique ;)
    Great Work!
  18. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    dude, i would happily marry your bridge. i tried to make one like that but epic fail.
    I would really appreciate if you could tell me how you managed? (if its easier, GT: ONeill117)
    other than that, weapons/placement/forging/aesthetics/gameplay look perfect.
    definite 5/5 from me and DL'ed

    one issue though. i think its cool to jump to camo. but it looks tedious how you have to jump the gap then jump up again? possibly, after the first jump, make it ramp up to camo? idk, it mite just be cause I havent played it yet...
  19. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Dag, yo this map is intense! :p

    Well, I haven't played it, but the forging is excellent and I just barely downloaded it because of it's sheer awesomeness. I have no clue how you achieved to make such a smooth looking bridge and I wish I had that kind of talent and patience. For some reason, I'm thinking that you also create Race Tracks. Maybe that's why your bridge is so neat. :p

    Besides the Bridge, the other parts of the map look pretty stellar too. Although from your view from below pic, the areas next to the bridge slightly don't look even, but I won't rate it down because of that. It's still very symmetrical and awesome.

    I look forward to playing some Multi-Flag and Slayer games on this, and please keep up the good work!
    #19 Yeti, Aug 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  20. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    Wow i really like the map. Especially the double bridge and the risk V reward of going for the rockets see as how its soo open. I think maybe guard rails on the lower part of the bridge would be a nice addition just because the hammer has potential of knocking you off the map.
    And i do like that camo is on its own "island" but IMO it shouldn't require a second jump to get to.
    Aside from that it looks like a very solid map. I havn't gotten a chance to test out gameplay on it though.

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