
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Kronos, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Ok, let me start out by saying, I got the idea from Project X and Project U, made by the ABCrew. But these are NOT copies.

    Name Change:
    "Reverential" - provided by Tex

    The Downloads:
    Reverential: V1
    The Downloads:
    Reverential V2

    Personally, I like V2 better, obviously, there has to be a reason for the making of V2, and that is the whole center area, I completely refinished it. If you're only going to download one, make it V2. From my experience, it is impossible to break, tell me if you find a way to break V2, not V1.

    The Description: Ok, first off, it's a symmetrical map. Only the weapons and equipment are different. Side A has human weapons, mostly Battle Rifle's. The B side has covenant weapons, mostly Carbines. There is plenty of cover to hide behind or inside of. The outside walkway is in the shape of a V. The center has various little structures and pieces of cover, but look at the screenshots too get a better idea of that. V1 has a tall, round, tower made of bridges in the center, with small ledges sticking out to climb it. V2 has no tower, but has much more cover, and smaller structures. Again, V2 is recommended. I'll go on to a few notes now.

    • Make sure vehicle operation is OFF, or the map can be broken. (V2)
    • Assault Rifle start is recommended. (Both)
    • Make use of the cover and openings when being fired at. (Both)
    • The only thing in V1 I don't 100% love is the tower, it works fine for gameplay, but it is ugly. sadface. (V1)

    • The only thing in V2 I don't 100% love are the two bridge plus sign shapes, but I do 90% love them. happyface. (V2)

    Screenshots, V2 First.

    This is a good view of the point of the V, and the cover near it.

    A good view of the center, note the cover and the (1) geo-merge.

    A good view of the edge of the V, note the interlocked box and tower.

    View of the curved walls. Two levels of awesomeness, with a tunnel.

    V1 Now, only 1 screen, due to the fact that the center is the only change, though it IS a major change.

    Yeah, the bulky tower, more steps to climb it are on the back. The only other thing in the middle is the two little structures of walls on the left and right, with one wall sticking out from the center wall. (the actual map wall, not mine) Not horrible, but worse than V2.

    In case you forgot,

    The Downloads:
    Reverential: V1
    The Downloads:
    Reverential V2

    I want to quote this, the pics don't show all of the cover, play in game for a better view.
    Well I think that's about it, but, if you SKIPPED THE TEXT before the screens, go back and read the bulleted list again, the first bullet is important for v2. Download to get a better look at the map please.

    Thoughts? Comments? Ratings? Whatever. Hope You Like 'Em.
    #1 Kronos, Jun 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2008
  2. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    pretty open, if you have remaining budget you may wanna fill some of that space in. If you keep working at it then it'll be really awesome.
    How did you get the white powerup?
  3. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    So what gametypes will this work for I know slayer obviosly but is it desighned for others as well?
  4. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I know, after looking at the pics, it seems a little open, but trust me, when you see it in a game, it seems too crowded to add more stuff without making it a wall of blindingness.

    Yeah, I have UBG on, but In game you'll see it's not needed, I can tell some barriers and stuff don't show well in the picture. There's enough cover lol, but feel free to edit V2, it has the $.

    The white power-up is an active camo and a custom power-up in the same spot, just an FYI: V1 might be edit-able, I'm not sure, depends on if I used the objects in the map.

    But to all of you, It's not to open IMO, in game.

    Edit: It's only set up for slayer at the moment, I deleted the objective items to make more cover and weapons and just finish the maps up, max object limit is a pain. But, with this layout, I don't think flag would work, oddball maybe, feel free to delete a street cone or something an make oddball.

    V1 has Slayer, Flag, and Oddball. But this is really meant to be a slayer game, so I still suggest V2.
  5. locoidontknow

    locoidontknow Ancient
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    This actuallylooks like a very nice map. I agree with everyone elsse that theres alot of space in between. Is there vehichles? i think vehichels would work well.
  6. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Yes, there are vehicles, but only for looks, they are in the fence boxes, which is why in v2, vehicles are recommended to be off. And again, there isn't too much open space, there are a lot of holes and walls in the bottom level, the V shape has barriers and 2 interlocked walls, not too mention the two bridge towers block some shots. There are bubble shields and equipment on the map, so even if you're getting shot, you can sue that. Stop saying it's too open before you look at it IN GAME.
  7. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    What gametypes play on this map?
  8. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    again, slayer only in v2.
    slayer, oddball, and neutral ctf in v1.

    It IS meant for slayer though, either way.

    Edit: For those of you that keep saying that the map is too open, the only thing there would be room for is vertical barriers underneath the tunnel-type-thing, but that will not work because it's interlocked to be low, and even that isn't needed.
  9. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Oh alright. seems like a decent slayer map. Looks big enough to fit a larger party as well.
  10. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Hey scott, fix your sig. Its waaay too big. Also this map looks fun (v1 looked terrible in my opinnion, v2 looks a lot better), but Tex might flip
  11. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Thanks Scott.

    But just so you don't get yelled at later, you sig is too big, just try to make the picture a lil smaller ok?

    Edit: I offered to Tex to change the name, Hold on for awhile.
  12. Lahti v2

    Lahti v2 Ancient
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    hey guys. I need help with geomerging walls into the ground. I can do boxes but not walls. Can someone please tell me how to do that?
  13. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Hmm. You know the project name line belongs to Tex right? In naming your map this, you pretty much killed the project name. Anyway... I don't see too much happening in this map. It could have been filled a little more.
  14. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Lahti, I'm bad at anything other than boxes. But try asking in the shoutbox for help.
    Thanks for the comments people, even you first people.
    If you READ the first sentence, you'd know I gave the credit for the idea to the ABCrew, and I've talked with Tex, he is finding a name for me, and I will change it as soon as possible.
  15. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Reverential, Tangibility, Litigation (i thought that added a comedic touch), Enthrall, Deathbed, Exultation, and I couldn't really find any V ones, but hopefully one of these will work for you.

    Also, I appreciate the change, as we technically do not have the "Project series" copyrighted nor trademarked, so we can't start any sort of lawsuit, but this shows definate character that you would take the time to remove the current title.

    Thanks again, Tex.
  16. XX_Blivion

    XX_Blivion Ancient
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    Ok i recommend turning vehicles ogff when playing because on both sides you can get in the warthog and the chopper.. other than that i see no other way out... overall really good map
  17. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    looks interesting, ill give it a shot, but it looks kinda pointless with all of that open space
  18. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    aaaaallright, now to get back on topic!

    the map doesn't look too bad, though there is a bit of openness as previously mentioned, maybe a crate or two thrown about for some added cover?

    Also, I really like the idea behind your tunnel, it haz some great base idea behind it.

    As for the fact that you left both versions out, I really like that, it gives people an option of what they think will play better, great thinking.

    Lastly, I would like to say Reverential was a good choice of title.

    Whether or not you looked them up, so you know:

    Reverence: a gesture indicative of deep respect

    Reverential: of the nature of or characterized by reverence.

    So, once again, I say thank you good sir.
  19. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I'm gonna stop argueing with the 'wide open' thing, but I will say that I still don't think it's true.

    I stated in the first post to turn off vehicles, well recommended, just so you know if you weren't quoting me.

    Thanks for the comment Tex.
  20. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    Looks really open in the middle, make it more interesting in there and you can have my dl.

    edit: didn't read all the "open" comments before... Sorry for not giving any new advise.

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