come one come all play and play agian weapons 4 br's 1 sniper/1 beam riffle sword rockets 2 SMGs 2 needlers 2 carbines mauler 2 brute shots fuel rod missile pod flame thrower 2 shotgun gravity hammer spiker plasma riffle spartan lazer flame grenades present WATCH OUT! FIRE HAZARD! over shield and cloaking are included for those with sharp eyes V-hick's banshee warthog mongoose brute chopper primary games team slayer potential games after play testers eat it up IDK maybe territories? or a jugz match map was done by Gunsling3r33 (me) and Cfour014 (my pal) our focus was to make it feel like some sort of religious center long forgotten but mostly wanted to start putting our maps out to see where we can improve. this is our first posted map *go team hazard* i know the pics are small but hey not all of us were born with a keyboard in hand ok : Halo 3 File Details ^^^^DOWNLOAD ME HERE^^^^^ ---
Hmmmm........ looks like a good map, although I can't see the details with the small screenshots. Anyways, I'll give it a DL later and take a look at it.