Revball 3.0 - The Next Generation

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Wheels36, May 18, 2011.

  1. Wheels36

    Wheels36 Ancient
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    Welcome to Revball 3.0! The forgehub favorite who was featured on bungie frontpage better than ever!


    Current Gametype: Revball (Updated 05/17/11)
    Current Map: The Splatterdome 3.0 (Updated 05/17/11)

    Alternate Maps:
    3.0b - 1 wraith 1 ghost 2 revenants
    3.0c - 1 wraith 3 revenants


    For those of you new to the game, Revball is Halo Reach's version of soccer. The game is 4 vs 4 with each team recieving 3 revenants and 1 ghost. Use your vehicle to shoot or ram the ball into the opposing team's goal, indicated by the colored indicator light above it that matches their team.

    Players and vehicles are invulnerable and hijacking and assassinations are disabled, so stifle those slayer tendencies and keep your focus on the ball! The revenant's cannon is ideal for shooting the ball around the stadium. With skill, you can become a crack shot at scoring from a distance. Even though the name is Revball, each team recieves a single ghost. The ghost is more suited to being a striker. The best tactic is to lay low and wait for the right moment. Then pounce by boosting to ram the ball into your opponents' goal!


    For returning Revball players, get ready for a brand new experience. No more stockpile scoring system with its drawn out complicated scoring and ball return. This modified version of bungie's insane gametype 'Hockey' allows INSTANT scoring and ball return, a visible indicator on the ball, no more ball disappearing after 5 minutes of play (halftime), and fireworks skulls when a goal is scored. And now, there are TWO ways to score!


    Introducing 3 pointers! The small square above each regular goal is worth 3 points. The frame around each goal is called the Gravity Ring, that will suck in the ball if it touches it or nears the center of the ring in the air. This happens via 4 tin cups behind each 3 point goal. Also, the new slanted crossbar across the top of the goal allows shots to be ramped up into the 3 pointer hole. Still, don't think this will be easy. 3 pointers are NOT an every game occurance and are quite rare.

    Due to 3 pointers and MUCH quicker score updating and ball return, the game has changed from 5 score to win to 10. The 10min game timer remains.

    The game now scales better by number of players. If its 4 players or less, each person ALWAYS spawns in front of a revenant for even 2v2 matches. With 8 players, everyone spawns in front of a vehicle. More than 8 players, and the extras spawn in the back of the garage in front of the ramp leading to the 2-way teleporter to the field.

    The following are images showing the parts of the new stadium and game.


    Here is a complete game being played. For those saying the ghost sucks, watch my leet skillz. :p

    YouTube - Revball 3.0

    SPECIAL THANKS goes out to xXxMENTALxXx. He is the original designer of the 3 point goal. Without his insight, the new game would not be possible!
    #1 Wheels36, May 18, 2011
    Last edited: May 24, 2011
  2. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Hmm. This seems like a whole new game. It looks like it could be a lot of fun, but there were a few problems with the last game...

    First off, even though you can use the ghost, everyone else is not so lucky. It's really not the greatest (worst) vehicle for this game.

    Also, what happens when someone fall out of there rev? I've had people in ghosts pushing me around for an entire game because they were jerks. Not sure how in the world you could fix that, but it is game-breaking.

    The new stadium looks cool and the garage looks like it works. But it doesn't feel the same at all.
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I dont know much about this game, but 3 revenants seem like too much mortar explosion to me. I havent ever played this, but that was just my thought. other than that it looks like fun!


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    Sweet man, good move setting it up to support the new gametype. I like the 3-point idea. Gotta DL n like from me.
  5. Wheels36

    Wheels36 Ancient
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    Yea the mortar explosion is a bit much sometimes. Sometimes the ball warps, like disappears and reappears at a new spot real quick....seems to only happen when lots of revenants fire at once. Don't really know what to do about it. The map ITSELF never lags, just the ball.

    I find 2v2 to be the most rewarding. Lots of strategy and not as much of a cluster****. I wanted to keep it 4v4 though and try to get it into action sack.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Do you mind if I ask how you managed to disable hijacking? I've been wanting to do that for a game of mine and couldn't find a way.
  7. Doomreaper13

    Doomreaper13 Forerunner
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    hey i know you've probably thought of this but instead of a ghost as a goalie you could use a wraith but confine them to the box around the goal using a teleporter set only for heavy vehicles. just a thought it might be a bit much but the wraith is really slow and whoever chose it would have to be skilled at firing from a long distance.
  8. Wheels36

    Wheels36 Ancient
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    We tried the wraith thing and it wasnt a success. The wraith is actually so slow it makes a poor goalie. People were already complaining about the ghost because they wanted 4v4 revenants and the wraith further made them mad. Give the people what they want lol. Plus we found that wraiths actually caused MORE lag than revenants. /shrug I guess because their shots hang in the air so long.

    As for the NO HIJACKING. Just go to vehicle options and choose NO PASSENGERS and you cant jack. If you choose NO GUNNERS i guess would work the same, but in Revball you cant get in a revenant like that, because the driver counts as a gunner too because you can shoot. I suppose the same would go for wraith, and scorpion.
  9. Doomreaper13

    Doomreaper13 Forerunner
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    i guessed that but just threw the idea out there. I'll send you a friend request and we can brainstorm or just playtest.
  10. Wheels36

    Wheels36 Ancient
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  11. Spartan L01

    Spartan L01 Forerunner

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    I've not really had a proper game of Revball, but what I've done on my own and in a 1 VS 1 with a friend when this used Stockpile was been a lot of fun. Now that it uses Hockey's gametype features, I'd expect this to be much better! Once I do get a proper game, I'll say my informed thoughts on it's gameplay.
  12. Wheels36

    Wheels36 Ancient
    Senior Member

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