Revamped Revamped is a Pit Reimagine... Same Great Look Plus Some Great Additions. Right now it is only playing CTF and Slayer will update in future version for additional Gametypes.Please only consider this a beta version for the map. Please post any suggestions or problems with the map here or message Ladnil or myself. Made by TheMr Cleanup14 and Ladnil Weapons NR-2 Nade Launcher-1 Rockets-1 Snipe-2 Armor Lock-1 Frags-4 Plasma-6 If you would like to run customs on this map the current version is on my fileshare or FR me or message me for some customs. Gamertag is TheMr Cleanup14... Space between Mr and Clean. Download Revamped Here
I like the idea of opening up the training, I don't really enjoy the one ways because it feels like the lift should be playable, ie. I could shoot down on guys like on The Pit. I really shouldn't post without playing but I'm not gonna be on the Xbox till tomorrow. Reserved for DL edit. Edit: Well I ran a 4v4 on this and It is amazing!! You should clean up the post and add a description to the map. This deserves much more attention. I retract the statement about the lifts I ran that **** just like The Pit lol. The only thing is maybe cleaning up Sword Room, and dropping that ARMOR LOCK! lol jk that can stay if you like I just hate it.