Well after being on an indefinite hiatus, On this and with my band, i decided to return to my roots, but while being a Halo fan for most of my life, i want to put one question into this post Zombie Spawns I have tried, believe me, i have! but the Z-Spawns on Reach are just not working out for me! "So how do i fix this, you tell me doctor" "Well whats the symptoms?" "When i start a custom game with a zombie gametype/map, soon as the game starts everyone amusingly falls dead..." "Falls dead you say?" "Yeah, like a death barrier" Hmmm... So please loving community of Forge Hub tell me if you've had this problem, and how did you fix it, also if you want to come onto my map and help out Gamertag is ShugHeed <3 PS. IM BACK! hehe
Place a safe zone around the entire playable area? Oh wait... This isn't Reach Forge Discussion? well hi and welcome back to forgehub