Glad to see this map featured. I thought it was lost to the sands of time, so I'm happy to see that the staff is still on the prowl for exceptional quality.
Played an earlier version of this a while ago, it's okay but definitely not exceptional imo. Not the type of map I'd vore for basically.
I love this map, its design reminds me of some the amazing maps from early on in Halo's career. Great job creating it and gratz on the feature!
Downloaded this a long time ago. Good to see it made a feature. It's a very, very well forged map. Congrats...
I'm not gonna lie, I love this map, but cant we find something awesome that ISNT symmetric! Dont get me wrong, a good map is a good map, but I am getting bored here. That isnt meant to offend anyone in anyway, btw. Thats just my style. This is definitly one of my favorite maps here and it was when it first came out. Great layout with flow and everything, its just that when doing a symmetric map, you only build half a map and then copy it, thats what affects my opinion on symmetrics. That doesnt mean they suck or play bad or even look bad, its just everywhere. Seriously though, great job dude. Top of the list map AND its symmetric. Hey chris, no grief with this write up huh?
so this isnt based off a quake map?? Just asking cuz the layout looks real familar I just cant place it. the old school textures in the video too kinda remind me of quake 1. Either way looks awesome dude!