My new sig. Was going (obviously) for the retro videogame look, more specifically the start-up screen for classics like Sonic 2 and Battletoads. Originally didn't have the Boo in there, but it looked empty without it, so I added it in, pixelated him up a bit, and it fit. Please discuss improvements, alterations, etc. Inspiration: Spoiler
Seems like the ghast and the text should have the same pixelated-ness. Other than that, I really like it for being more of a banner than a signature.
What Eric said about the pixelation (if thats a word) Also, maybe try making it a .gif with the "Press Start" words flashing.
I was actually considering making the "PRESS START" flash, but don't have an animation proggy to do that with. Used to use Paintshop Pro, but for the life of me, I can't remember where I put my copy... As for the Boo, he was a last minute addition, and I just used Photoshops Pixelate filter on him. Any more and it would look like a blurry mess, any less and it wouldn't look pixely enough. Had to compromise. I also wanted to make the glints on the main body animated too, but, again, no proggy.
You've got the right idea there, but the animation removed the transparency I had in the original image. Thanks though, what program did you use?
Photoshop. If you're also using PS send me the file and I'll make it eith the transparency enabled. I had trouble trying to remove a white frame around the text that appeared when I tried to turn it into an animated gif.
Nah, that's alright. While the offer of help was appreciated, it's just not that important, really. It'll probably annoy people, anyway.