
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by chan123, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. chan123

    chan123 Forerunner

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    hello, this is my second map posted to forgehub. it is named retrieve. it is more fun if you play with at least four players.

    the story:you and several other spartans have been sent to a UNSC base to help try to get back stolen information the elites took. your mission is simple, bring down a portion of the shield, destroy the door to the data, return the information core in one piece. but you've figured out that it wont be as simple since the elites noticed the spartans and ammo, so they got reinforcements and ammo as well, good luck.

    elite base

    spartan base

    phase one objective

    now for some action pics




    my previous maps


    Edited by merge:

    sorry my pictures are small, i copied the thumbnail image
    #1 chan123, Apr 4, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2011

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