Retribution - Once the pinnacle of human architecture, this forgotten fortress stands proud in the wake of certain destruction. CTF 8-16 Players. I made this map a while ago and decided it was not good enough for release. I have since made some changes and decided to release. I'll warn you now, it is not brilliant but your comments and thoughts are welcome nonetheless. thanks Retribution is a unique map created ideally for one sided objective style games. It is however set up for all gamtypes in case you do not wish to play objective. It features a large castle with a working gate & four other entrances. The castle is professionally buit featuring Interlocking, Geomerging, Switches & Floating Technique. Together these techniques create very smooth, aesthetically pleasing & realisitc gameplay. This map also features a Beautifully constructed Waterfall, with an underground cave entrance, a castle moat & very ambitious Geomeging of the back rooms. Link to map Pictures Link to map
Wow some of the geomerging in this map is AMAZING that double box in the back hallway is incredible qued for download
it must have been extremily hard to get the double box into the back hallway. I dont even know how i would do that. The map is very well made and i love all the geomerging. This is definitly worth a download and a definite 5/5
really nice. great geo merging of course. it looks like you took your time on this map. you couldnt have made this any better. 10/10. is this map infection ready, because this would make a nice infection map. btw, great job in the merged hall way. that really takez skillz
Wow that is spam Nice Map I like the river and waterfall. Also the rocks were a nice aesthetic pleasure by using the single boxes. Good Job
This map looks very good, but I really am not sure how the game play is . Since this is probably my fault, forget it and on to the pros and cons. Pros- Great Merging and Geomerging (love the rock wall of single boxes) The walls in the ground are beast XD The weapon placement looks good from what I can tell. Cons- Base maps have been done alot before (hardly a con, I know) I would suggest putting more pictures of the inside of the base and maybe posting and equipment and weapon list. People love those. But I can say you get a solid 4.5/5. ~Keep Forging~ Always, Sep7aPhobia
This looks good for a castle. To be honest though, the pictures look a bit pixelated. Try Anyway, no biggy. The geomerged walls look a bit weird, but I won't criticise them seeing as they're supposed to be like that. However, I must know: how did you geomerge the double box into the back room? This map looks really good, but I would like to see some pics of the switches and doors and stuff.
hi, geomerging into the back rooms took alot of patience and reloading previous saves. I put the box on the platform outside (the place where you start in TS on regular foundry). I then did the regular geomerge thing where you enclose all sides apart from the direction you wanna merge to. Then i did the Door trick of geomerging until it was in. Note, this was frustrating as i kept losing the box through the wall/floor.
i really like these kinds of maps: as a slightly guarded opposing team spawn, and a nicely interlocked fort/castle/thing like u have here. the geomerging is amazing i must say. very playable and totally awesome. +rep and DL from me! (this is probably gonna count as spam... D
AHHHH i cant believe it! i am making a pretty similar map. lol. i dont have as nearly many geomerged things this cleanly. i have to say 4.5/5 just because u may want to add some gameplay pics to see how one side objectives are played. Overall, a very solid map.
wow The geomerging is good. The box in the hallway is very well set. All together Il have to play it to see how it flows, but so far it looks good.
dude how do u merge the walls like that into the ground? ive seen it here and on relflex, how do u do it? 5/5
hmmmmm hehhehehe, i like i like, i really like that double box in the back hallway as does everyone else. i dunno how on earth that would've been done but none the less, nice map, and keep up the good work.
When I think of the perfect map, I think of a map like this. The aesthetics are amazing (I especially like the way you did the waterfall), and the gameplay is fun. I have tried and tried to find something about your map that I didn't like, and I failed miserably. Which is odd, since I can almost always find something I don't like about a map. Mods, if you're reading, pleasepleasePLEEEEEEEZE feature this map! Genius like this deserves recognition. 5/5 Can't wait for your next project!