WARNING: MAP HAS CHANGED A LOT ALREADY. THIS POST IS NOT ACCURATE. Here's a map I have been working on for about a week. It's looking like a 2v2/1v1 or FFA. Here's a really quick teaser: Halo Reach Maps - Retribution teaser - YouTube Here's a pic as well, in case the video was too quick: Spoiler Let me know if anyone is interested in testing.
This looks really sweet, man. I like the simple look of the water pit and the RL location is innovative. That corrider looks a bit lengthy though. Post more pictures, you fool! OT: I love videos like that and yours is no exception. I wish it were longer and allowed the viewer to see the map more clearly though.
Looks pre cool, Ticky. The map name blows chunks, but the forging looks solid and definitely interesting. I'd like to check this out sometime. Also, did you use those covenant crates to kinda break up that LOS in your pic?
Yes I did, and I know the name sucks. I suck at map names... Yes, but it is a teaser, and this is a preview. If you want to see more, just join when we test I guess.
It's okay, don't worry about the map name right now. What I think you should worry about is that LOS being broken up by tiny ass covey crates. They do not provide solid cover, if you will. They are inadequate in size to actually provide a player with stable security in a firefight. If I get shot from across the map and need to take cover to re-gain my shields and I sit behind one of those crates, 9 times out of 10 I'm most likely going to die. I'm sure others can provide a better understanding, but that LOS is probably not good and breaking it up with crates really isn't helping. This is of course, just a theory and I could very well be wrong, but I thought I should give you a heads-up anyway.
Teleporter isn't elite friendly, but who the hell uses elites. Anyway, Its looking tight. All the maps that I've seen of yours have always been good.
Yeah you may be correct, but you should play it first I have plenty of BB so I could add some more if that is the case. Thanks man. You should play on it sometime.
Yeah, I remember playing on this earlier, did you fix that little spot I told you about earlier? Also, now that I look at it, I think that the water pit may look a little cleaner without the platforms in the corners. I don't know, thats just what I think. It may go with the theme a little better. Overall, great FFA map.
Thanks for your opinion and I will take it into account, and remember it's not even close to being finished. Spawn zones haven't even been placed.