Resurrection By Fanatic 66 I've always been a big lurker on the Forge forum and have wanted to forge my own map for a while. Being a huge fan of arena style maps (Midship, Wizard/Warlock, Derelict, Onslaught, Amplified, etc.), I wanted to make an arena map that would work well in Reach hence the name of the map: Resurrection because its a rebirth of simple arena maps in Reach. But before I got to the map today, I'll give a little history for anyone interested, if not skip this paragraph. I sketched up my concept of an ideal 2 base arena map months ago during the fall after Reach came out. About a few weeks ago I decided to try my hand at forging. Quickly learning my sketchup "blocks" didn't match up with Reach's blocks made forging at first frustrating. Eventually I finished the map but it was way too large. I cut down the size of the main bases as well Green/Orange 3. I also added tunnels leading from under the bases to Green/Orange 1. Over the last few weeks I forged on and off since college work took most of my time and when I did get on Reach people wanted to play MLG or now Classic (Go Classic!), but forging now and off I steadily improved the map with minor touches (rocks on green side, narrowing top middle, finally figuring out what to do with bottom mid, jump ups to base, changed purple side to orange, added FX lights, etc.) until I finished satisfied today. Now about the map itself. Resurrection is a simple 2 base symmetrical map with two equal side towers, but don't let the simplicity dissuade you. I tried to forge an arena map that plays to Reach's strengths (mid-long range combat) with long LOS and open areas, while limiting the game's weaknesses (CQC). Resurrection has varied elevation too to make sure LOS aren't abusive, which was a problem at first. Sprint helps players close distance in the battle for top control. There's a lift under each base/tower to take you up to the second level (in case you can't tell from the pictures). Pictures*: *the first two pictures are new ones from v1.1 (added some more color to bases) while the rest of the pictures are from the original map. Blue Base* Red Base* Overview of map Another Overview from Orange to Green/Blue Bottom view of Blue Bottom view of Green Bottom Mid Side view of Green Green Another Overview Gametypes: -Slayer -Hill -5 Flag -Bomb Items: -4 DMRs -4 NRs -2 Pistols -2 sets of Frags -2 sets of Plasmas -Grenade Launcher (top mid bridge) -Camo (bottom mid) -2 health packs I know this map appears very simple but I find in most arena maps, simplicity makes a great map. Great LOS and open spaces play to the DMR's strengths while varied elevation keeps the LOS from turning abusive. Its simplicity is Resurrection's strength as an arena map.
I like the layout and I agree that simplicity is often best, but if I may make a suggestion it may be neat to raise the dish in the middle and turn it into a structure of its own. It will break up some sight lines, give some opportunity for some close quarters combat, and I think make the map a lot more interesting. Also the rocks are getting old in most maps since they are used so often and rarely look like they belong. You have an opportunity there to try to do something different to make your map stand apart.
I'll think about the bottom mid and recently I raised the struts there to block more LOS and provide better cover. The rocks might be getting old but they are useful for further distinguishing the two sides. Gameplay>aesthetics for MLG maps, and the rocks serve the simple purpose of differentiating green side from yellow. If you have any suggestions on another way to distinguish green from yellow I'm open to ideas but right now rocks are the best thing I can think of.