Restricted Area - My First Machinima

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JMJ405, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    "Restricted Area" is my first, of hopefully many, Machinimas. I understand this comedy is not for everyone. It is a quick-bit comedy, meaning it cuts right to the punchline. If you do not like that sort of comedy, please just click that little back arrow on your desktop and continue with your day. If you dont like this style of comedy but are willing to give this video a chance (or if this is your favorite style of comedy), I hope you enjoy it, but please dont flame me if you dont. Anyway, here it is.
    YouTube - "Restricted Area" (A Halo 3 Machinima)
    #1 JMJ405, Jul 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2009
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    The credits were 3 times longer than the video itself...
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Alright, well clearly there is a room for alot of improvement. For starters, try and get something other than WMM, I don't care how but find something else. I think anything is an upgrade when it comes to Windows Movie Maker. Get something that can lay multiple tracks and layers, and it will already be better.
    But I am not going to go into the things such as sound overlays and cuts, because this is one mistake I see every amature make. Credits should NEVER be longer than the actual "meat" of the video. You had about 30 seconds at most, and had a minute's worth of credits. People do this because they think long credit lists make things look more professional, that they add clout. Well they don't, and people don't give a **** about your credits unless they are animated and have good music. Everything by you, that's all you need to show. You don't need to give credit to the program, the creators of the program, to the sound website, etc. etc. Not at this point. All that credit ****, throw in a youtube side bar if you feel so obligated. Just show your machinima, and slap your production name or "Made by (name here)", the end. Don't hurt yourself by falling sucker for credits.

    Script wise, there wasn't much of a punch-line, and it was a tad predictable. Has potential, but you really need to get creative to make such an overused idea work.
  4. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    Hmm... Well i havnt watched it yet, but its his first machinima... Give him a chance, and give productive criticsm such as, Dont put long credits in your machinimas, not the credits were 3 times longer thanthe video itself... Because thats not telling him anything but "Your Machinima Sucked"


    Okay on to you, this looks pretty good, but i wont say anything yet.

    Ive been wanting to make a machinima for a while if you want me to see if i could help you.. I can be really funny, and know how to implant a funny situation into anything, i watch like 50 sitcoms a day lol.
  5. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    I thought this machinima would be funny at the time. As I was editing it I was starting to see that it wouldnt be that funny. I still thank everyone who gave it a chance. I have started production on my next machinima, which will be much better. Instead of it being one short video, it will be a compilation of shorts (that are actually funny this time) and I hope you will give it a chance despite this being a mediocre machinima. As for this video it has been deleted from my youtube account, so I can get a fresh start. Will a mod please lock or delete this thread? Thanks in advance.

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